A two-day regional talks and share of best practices to accelerate support to entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Regional cooperation plays a pivotal role in the broader context of entrepreneurship and SME growth within the Western Balkans, Turkey and the neighbouring EU member states. This collaboration would enable the countries to collectively address common challenges and leverage shared opportunities. By pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise, the whole region could enhance the support systems available to SMEs and entrepreneurs, making it easier for them to thrive and expand across borders. Furthermore, regional cooperation facilitates the harmonization of regulations and standards, simplifying cross-border trade and investment for small and medium-sized enterprises. This interconnectedness not only promotes economic growth but also fosters stability and prosperity in the region.

Day 1 - November 20th, 2023

Sharing best practices, tools and programs to support entrepreneurs and SMEs in turbulent times among regional players. Focus on digital tools to facilitate export and internationalization of SMEs.

Day 2 - November 21st, 2023

Paving the way to sustainable, energy efficient and responsible companies. Reaching out entrepreneurs and start ups from places with scarce support infrastructure. Role of support organizations in unlocking entrepreneurship and innovations.

The aim of the regional conference is to bring together key governmental and private sector entities as well as related stakeholders to create a dynamic ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs, unlocks innovation, and strengthens economic resilience, ultimately contributing to the sustainable economic development of the wider region.

Let us know if you'll be attending!