The first international conference within Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE

Vocational Teacher Education:
Between Aspirations and Challenges

06-08.11.2023, Vienna University of  Economics and Business

onsite and online

Competences of vocational teachers define how successful the gap between classroom instruction and real-world application of competences will be bridged. Additionally, the professionalism of vocational teachers determines to a great extent learning outcomes by vocational learners and their smooth transition into professional life. At the same time, the profession of vocational teachers and trainers in many countries is considered as a semi-profession (Attwell, 1997; Grollmann, 2008).  Such social recognition and standing reflect on the field of vocational teacher education, which is expected on the one hand to produce highly qualified specialists with the two-facet competences as pedagogues and experts in a professional field (Deissinger, Braun, Melnyk, 2019) while on the other hand is often neglected by policy-makers, educationalists and researchers (Grollmann, 2008).  Thus, vocational teacher education is confronted with an array of challenges that demand collective attention.The theme for this conference aims to address the complex interplay between ambitions and practices of preparing vocational teachers for the demands and challenges of the modern workplace.

Conference Objectives:


Exploring the evolving role of vocational teacher education in an era of rapid technological advancements, changing labour markets, and global challenges


Examining the aspirations and expectations of vocational teacher education stakeholders, including policymakers, industry leaders, educators, and learners 


Assessing the current realities and challenges faced by vocational teacher education systems worldwide, including issues of curriculum design, pedagogical approaches, assessment methods, and professional development 

Onsite participation

Address: Welthandelsplatz 1, Building EA,1020 Vienna

Each project partner-organisation is expected to present at least one contribution (max. 3 authors) or a maximum of two contributions (max. 6 authors, i.e. max. 3 authors per contribution).

Contributions of external experts are welcomed.

Please note that the official language of the conference is English. All presentations, discussions, and materials will be in English. Participants are kindly requested to use English for all conference-related communication. 

Online participation

Online passive (without presentation) participation in the conference is available to registered users. Participants will have the opportunity to attend the conference remotely through an online platform. In cases where required, certificates of participation can be issued to online attendees. Participation is free of charge.

To secure your place, please ensure that you register for the conference by 30.10.2023. Please note that the number of available spots for online participation is limited. The link to the online platform will be sent several days before the event.

Conference language: English only