What is Concrete Canoe?

Concrete Canoe is a club team associated with UMD's ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) student chapter. The club team represents UMD in the annual competition held by the National ASCE. At UMD, Concrete Canoe also seeks to serve the educational interests of students beyond the scope of the competition.

What if I am not interested in concrete nor canoes?

At UMD, the Concrete Canoe team is about more than the competition. We understand the benefits of sometimes having a constrained and competitive learning environment, but we also understand the need for low-risk exploration in undergraduate education. If you're interested in something that can generally be applied to an engineering practice, there's probably a way to incorporate it into our teams non-competition efforts. However, it could wind up in the competition after all with the new addition of Enhanced Focus Areas starting in the 2021 competition.

Where does Concrete Canoe meet?

The Concrete Canoe Team has a space in the Cypress building, next to the University View Apartments. Join the team or be on the lookout for open invitations to special events distributed through Civil Engineering Department channels.

When does Concrete Canoe meet?

Currently, the project manager is holding office hours for team members over Zoom due to COVID-19. Join the team with the button on the home page of this site to find out more about getting involved in a way which works for your interests, skills, and time.