Call for Abstracts


Contributions about the following topics are welcome:

Type of Talks and Submission

The first type of talk corresponds to oral presentations. These presentations are short 12-min talks, followed by 3-min questions and answers.

The second type are Lightening presentations or short 5-min talks without questions and answers to share exciting research ideas during special Lightening Sessions.

Abstract submission will open for the two types of presentations. The closing date will be announced soon.

Presenters accepted must register for the conference or for the Satellite Session to have their presentations confirmed. Each presenter can register one presentation for the CxSports Satellite.

Format requirements: 

Abstracts must be prepared using CCS2022 official templates. Please go to the page of the conference to download it, and remember do not modify the style of the templates. Both templates include further instructions on how to prepare the abstract. In all cases, it is important to generate a single-page double-column pdf file and upload it to the CxSports Satellite by means of the next easychair account 

Abstract submission deadline is July 15 July 19  2022

Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by e-mail no later than July 22, 2022

One presenting author and one topic must be specified during the submission process. Please include as well your preferred type of contribution (Short or Lightening).
