Affinity Groups

Please use the Affinity Groups dropdown navigation arrow above to access the affinity groups. Complex Care and Disability SIG and/or list serv members, please post a message to the APA Community or email the list serv if you are having difficulty accessing an Affinity Groups page or using the "magic word."


To join an affinity group, email the corresponding leads listed below.

Behavioral Health --

Complex Care Directory --

Emergency Care --

Home Care -- or

Practice of Complex Care -- or 

Palliative Care -- or

Resident Education -- or

Social and Medical Needs Affinity Group -- or

The Affinity Groups pages are only accessible to professionals involved in care and policy for children with medical complexity who are members of the Complex Care list serv.  

To request to join the list serv and website, you must email here and introduce yourself and your professional role.

Instructions to Access the Affinity Groups Pages

1) Log in with a google account associated with an email address which receives list serv messages.  If you already have one, then you are all set.

2) Your personal gmail account won't work if you don't get list serv messages to that gmail account.  You must login with a google account login that is associated with the list serv (i.e. you get list serv emails to that address).  If you try to access the Affinity Groups while logged into a gmail account unassociated with the list serv (i.e. your personal email), you will be an given an option to request access to the website which you should not use as this does not allow you to tell us who you are and your professional role.  To request that your existing gmail address be added, please email a request here instead.  However, you don't have to use a gmail account if you don't want to.

3) If you get list serv messages to a non-gmail account (i.e. your work email), you must create a google account using that exact email address as your login ID to access the Affinity Groups pages:

a) First, make sure you are logged out of any other google accounts.  

b) Then click here and select "Create Account."

c) Choose "Use my current email address instead"  and follow the instructions, using the exact email where you get list serv messages

d) If you still can't get in, it may be that the exact email address we have on file for you is slightly different than the one which you have now, but your emails to the old domain are still being forwarded to your new address.  If this happens, please email here to get your new email added.

4) Still can't figure it out?  Email here!