
Upcoming Events


If you are a new comer, Welcome! On this page you will see some events. Please feel free to attend any of them if you are interested in being a member of the club. Just because you come to one meeting doesn't mean you have to stay. If you like it then come back, we will be happy to have you. In this club we want people who have a positive attitude, people who care about the community, people who are understanding, and respectful to all.

Eleventh Meeting

Date: 5/9/19

Time: 2:00-2:45

Description: Debrief about the We Can Event. Start to plan Girl Rising Event.

Twelfth Meeting

Date: 5/17/19

Time: 2:00-2:45

Description: to be determined

Thirteenth Meeting

Date: 5/26/19

Time: 2:00-2:45

Description: to be determined


For this club come to as many meetings as you can. If you aren't able to make a meeting, DO NOT STRESS! This club is not meant to cause stress in your life. We will try to post a summary of the meeting online, so you will be able to catch up.
