Enderby (Localisation on Google map's) est une paroisse du district de Blaby au sud-ouest de la ville de Leicester. Enderby est située sur la M1, à une heure et demie au nord de Londres, facilement accessible à partir de Luton Airport. Le Leicestershire est un comté au paysage rural, en bordure de l’ancien pays minier anglais. La ville de Leicester au riche patrimoine historique, est aussi célèbre pour son université multi-culturelle et sa grande équipe de rugby.

Il y a maintenant près de 35 ans, le collège Émile Zola du Haillan et le collège Brockington d’Enderby ont commencé des échanges scolaires. Cinq ans plus tard est né le jumelage qui pratique toujours les rencontres entre familles anglaises et françaises. 





An important event for Enderby Twinning Association took place on Thursday, August 30, at Enderby Civic Centre to commemorate the official English signing of the Twinning Charter between the Parish Council of Enderby and the Town Council of Le Haillan 30 years ago. The French signing ceremony was the year before in France.

These treaties formalised the connection between the two towns which had been developing through the Broockington College school exchange in previous years. Many adults on the area will remember their exchange visits of long ago with nostalgia.

A plaque was unveiled by the Chair of Enderby Parish Council, Nigel Grundy, in the small hall of the Civic Centre, followed by a small reception. Also present was Brian Cooper, the Chairman of the Parish Council, who signed the charter 30 years ago.

A framed photograph of the most recent French and English twinning members, taken last year during the French Twinners’ visit here, has been provided by the association and is also now hung there, alongside one of the original English members.

Most twinning associations have a lifespan of between 8 and 12 years so it is a tribute to the hard work of the committee members of the Enderby association, working on behalf of the Parish Council, over many years, that it has been so successful for so long


We had our AGM in September. Our new committee consists of :

-          Chair : Jenny Croft,

-          Vice-Chair : Pat Millward,

-          Secretary : Peter Hurst,

-          Treasurer : Ian Pritchard.

A minute’s silence was held to remember Pam Haezewindt, a long standing member with many English and French twinning friends, who died recently.

We are waiting to hear from Le Haillan about when they will visit us next year : either Easter or the first May Bank Holiday, most likely.

One of your newer members appears in this autumns’s GO Learn brochure talking about his experience on his first visit (an excellent advert for twinning associations !).

We had a tombola stall at Enderby Village Fete and a Ladies’ Pre-loved Accessories stall at Enderby Library Fair. We handed out newly designed leaflets to anyone interested.

Socially, another meal at Bistro Pierre is in the pipeline and a “Bring-a-Dish supper” is planned for November.

Centre Stage will be performing at Enderby Civic Centre on Friday, February 15th. It is a play about a wedding taking place on World Cup Final Day 1966. Please feel free to dress accordingly !

Our very popular Annual Quiz returns on Saturday, March 9th.

If you think you might like to join the association, please come along to a meeting or event or contact Barbara. Our meetings start at 8pm on the first Tuesday of alternate months at the Civic Centre ; the next one is on Tuesday November 6th 2018. Please ring : 0116 2848514 or 01455 209021 or e-mail : Barbara.spence19@googlemail.com for a leaflet, further details or to meet the members. 

Online we can be found at: www.enderbyparish.org.uk. Click on the dropdown menu and find us under Community details or to meet the members 



JUNE 018


We held our May meeting on May 1st. It was very well attended as it was the last meeting before the trip to Le Haillan. 39 people are travelling there this time ; 4 by train (French rail strikers permitting) and the rest by plane.

The programme of activities for the visit was discussed. The Town Council will host a drinks and canapés welcome on the Friday evening. There is to be a visit to Monpazier, a picturesque medieval French village, with a guided tour on the Saturday, with an evening meal in Bordeaux and, on the Monday, wine tasting and a guided walk around the castle at Blaye. There will also be free time with the French hosts which is always very enjoyable too.

It was arranged that Ian would organize another printing of the English / French group photo, taken last year when the French were here, and get it framed ready for the ceremony, in August, to celebrate 30 years since the official signing of the twinning Charter in Enderby, at Brockington College. The original will be presented, by the Twinning Association, in France during the visit.

To commemorate the thirtieth anniversary the Parish Council are sending a plaque to present to The Mayor of Le Haillan and its twin will be displayed at Enderby Civic Centre.

The association have been invited to have a stall at Enderby Village Fete on September 1st on the Mill Lane recreation ground and have agreed to participate. A number of ideas for the stall were put forward and will be discussed in greater detail at the July meeting. Enderby Library is having an indoor event on September 15th which we will also attend. 

Barbara had previously mentioned a guided tour of the University Botanic Gardens, to be opened to residents of Enderby as well as the association. She is organising an afternoon excursion, on Monday, July 16th with offers of transport for people who would like to go.

The tickets will be sold in Enderby Library or Barbara can be contacted direct at the number below. The cost is £7.50 with tea and cake included in the price.

If you have an interest in the activities of the Association, contact Barbara Spence on 0116 2848514 or e-mail : 

barbara.spence19@googlemail.com or have a look on the Enderby Parish Council website under Community.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 3rd, at 8pm at the Civic Centre. You will be very welcome.


APRIL 2018



We have one more meeting before our trip to Le Haillan.

The annual twinning quiz on March 10th will be well attended – snow permitting !

We were informed, by Tom, that Frank Evans had recently died. Frank was a member of the association for many years. The forgotten passport (twice), the trip round Lille in a French police car, and on another occasion, the lost suitcase, were just a few of the incidents from which Frank emerged unperturbed – while we panicked around him !

Barbara is offering to organize a guided tour of the University Botanic Gardens in late Spring/early Summer. The date and details will be announced after Easter. She plans to open this up this to any Enderby residents who might be interested. Further details will appear on our Webpage on the Enderby Parish Council website : Click on Community, then choose Twinning Association, or ring Barbara, after Easter, for a firm date.

If you have an interest in the activities of the Association, contact Barbara Spence on 0116 2848514 or E-mail : barbara.spence19@googlemail.com.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 1st, at 8pm at the Civic Centre.