Registration and submissions

How to submit your talk (CLOSED!)

Participants to Combinatorics 2024 may contribute a short communication of 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for questions) on topics relevant for the conference.

People interested to contribute should submit a short (less than one page) abstract both in latex and pdf format to the address  by 20/03/2024 using the following template

The abstract must be written in English and the latex file must compile without errors.

The file must be named according to the format "Surname_X.tex" where X is (are) the initial(s) of your personal name(s) and Surname is your surname.

Acceptance of the communication shall be confirmed not later than 15/04/2024.

How to register

Submit your payment fee at 

Compile the registration form.

The payment should be done not later than 07/05/2024!

We won't be able to reimburse payments after 15/05/2024!

Registration and fees


Early registration: 24/02/2024.

Early registration payment 24/02/2024.

Abstract submission 20/03/2024.

Late registration 07/05/2024.



Upon registration, a room will be booked for you at

 Riva Marina Resort, in Carovigno (Br), Italy


Via della Pineta
LOC. Specchiolla
72012 Carovigno (BR) 

Double room: 60 euros per person (breakfast included).

Double room/single person: 80 euros per person  (breakfast included).

Price of a single meal (lunch/dinner): 25 euros (please exclude the conference dinner,  which will take place on  Wednesday evening).

Payment should be done by the 15th of May 2024.

Receipt of the bank transfer should be sent to 

Recipient: Riva Marina Resort Beach Club S.r.l. - Via della Pineta – 72012 - Carovigno (BR)

Bank transfer reason: "Evento Combinatorics 24" (if your Institution/University does the bank transfer for you then please add "NAME SURNAME")

Bank: Unicredit Banca Sede di Lecce

IBAN: IT29K0200816008000500044919