
Columbia River Pickleball Club is looking to identify

and help dynamic leaders who are passionate 

about growing pickleball in their area.

Columbia River Pickleball Club can offer:

Vision for future CRPC chapter interaction:

What is a Chapter?

A “Chapter” of the Columbia River Pickleball Club (CRPC) is a group within the club which is defined by a smaller geographic area than the Greater Portland/Vancouver area. Currently we have five (5) chapters under the CRPC umbrella: Camas/Washougal, Newberg, Vancouver, Willamette River, and Wilsonville. Each chapter has its own administrative structure while still being part of the Club.

Why would you want to affiliate with a Chapter?

First, all members of Columbia River Pickleball Club have the option to join a chapter within the club or remain a member at large. Our club encompasses a large area and chapters help to reach and serve individual communities. When you join a chapter, approximately of your CRPC dues go to that chapter while of your dues stays with CRPC. Your funds, therefore, help to meet the goals/needs of your pickleball community. Each chapter will have their own goals/focus for their funds: resurfacing or creating pickleball courts; purchasing storage lockers or court supplies for their local court(s); purchasing a ball machine; or ???

Again, the goal of affiliating with a chapter is to build up pickleball within your individual community. This chapter doesn’t necessarily have to be where you live, but it should be with a pickleball community with which you are associated. If your pickleball community does not currently have a chapter, you may select to simply belong to CRPC. You may also want to consider forming a chapter in your area.

Why wouldn’t my community just have their own club? What are the advantages/disadvantages of being a Chapter?

There are several advantages of CRPC Chapter membership over a local club. 

1. CRPC is responsible for the legal portion of being part of a club and currently has federal non-profit standing [501(c)(3)]. CRPC has Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation documents filed with the State of Washington as a non-profit, (which also cover chapters located within the State of Oregon). There are fees involved as well as annual filings necessary to maintain this status. It is not necessary for each chapter to pay the fees and do the filing as they fall under the umbrella of CRPC.

2. The resources of CRPC are also resources for individual chapters. CRPC has several portable nets, various tournament supplies, and microphone/speakers for member use.

3. There is power in numbers. CRPC currently has nearly 1,500 members. Your chapter may need to present something to its city. Your chapter will not stand alone; you’ll have support from CRPC.

4. Approximately of your CRPC dues go directly to your chapter’s needs. 

How about the disadvantages?

1. Not all of your CRPC dues will go to your Chapter. Approximately of your CRPC dues will stay within the club to promote the development and growth of Pickleball in NW Oregon and SW Washington. 

How do I join a Chapter or change Chapters?

Go to our website and find the “Members” drop-down on the top bar. Select “Update Member Info”. On this “update” page, you may also let us know what type of personal information you’d like to be viewable by other club members. Toward the end of the page, you’ll be able to link your current membership with a local Chapter, if you choose to do so.

What can I do if my pickleball community does not currently have a Chapter?

We invite you to contact us if you’re interested in creating a Chapter. We’ll answer your questions and help you walk through those first steps.

Columbia River Pickleball Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.  To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal, click here.