Poster and Abstract/Proceedings

Ferrarini F., Arrowsmith J R., Lavecchia G. (2019). Testing Late Quaternary tectonics in low-rate contractional settings – preliminary outcomes from fluvial network analysis along the Southern Apennine Outer compressional Front (SAOF). CRUST "Interdisciplinary Workshop in Memory of G. Pialli - Tools, Data and Models for 3D Seismotectonics 2019: the Italian over time laboratory (Perugia (Italy), June 9-10 2019) 

Federica Ferrarini*, J Ramón Arrowsmith, Francesco Brozzetti, Rita de Nardis, Daniele Cirillo, Giusy Lavecchia (2019). Seismogenic compression in southern Italy? Morphotectonic analysis to detect possible evidence of Late Quaternary tectonics along the Southern Apennine Outer Front. SCEC Contribution #9738, Annual Meeting of the Southern California Earthquake Center, September 8-11, 2019, Palm Spring (CA)

Ferrarini F.*, Arrowsmith J R., Brozzetti F., Cirillo. D., de Nardis R., Lavecchia G. (2019). Late-Quaternary tectonics along the peri-Adriatic belt of central Italy: possible evidence of active shortening from topography, fluvial network analysis, and landscape evolution. Geological Society of America Abstracts, Vol. 51, No. 5, ISSN 0016-7592 Phoenix, Sept. 22-25, 2019 


Federica Ferrarini, J Ramón Arrowsmith, Rita de Nardis, Francesco Brozzetti, Daniele Cirillo, Kelin X Whipple, and Giusy Lavecchia (2022). Boosting detection of active tectonics with multi-source data and integrated methods: recent outcomes from the Apennines.  EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna.