Fun & Learning for Adults with Disabilities

What is Fun & Learning for Adults with Disabilities? 

CNMF sponsors Fun and Learning for Adults with Disabilities.  We provide one class each day Monday through Friday in the areas of Bowling, Fun & Games, Art, Exercise and Music.  Currently, there are 20 young adults participating in classes of their choice.  The classes provide participants the opportunity to socialize and learn living skills along the way.  

We also put on one musical production each year.  Our students take the stage and let their skills, confidence, and fun spirit lead to what is always a fun and memorable performance!

Individuals with disabilities are provided services in the public school system from the time they are 3-22 years of age.  The Fun and Learning for Adults with Disabilities provides participants with an extension of their education beyond the time that the public education system can no longer provide services.  It is only natural they enjoy continuing a "school-setting" with some structure and lots of fun!  We are very grateful for our volunteers who lead the classes!

How can I help?

Many of our donations go directly toward the purchase of materials and supplies for our classes.  We are also always looking for great ideas and community leaders who are willing to partner in our efforts to provide continued educational, social, and enjoyable activities for our participants.  Please contact if you are interested in partnering with us.