New in 2013

My first parcel in the new year from Sandy T. (

444: Rubik's Tower 2x2x4 designed by Hidetoshi signed by Sandy T.

445: Toucan 3D

446 & 447 : two Mini Eastsheen 2x2x2

448: siamese 2x2x2 (double Mini)

449: Traiphum's Dinomorphix from hknowstore

450: Void Tuttminx from Verypuzzle

all three Tuttminx

stickered like the Classical Tuttminx

It looks so nice that it hangs now from the ceiling of our livingroom, together with a wooden star that we have there for 30 years.

451: Traiphum's hand-made Megamorphix

together with Traiphum's Hexaminx from last November

452: Hungab's Hexagonal Dipyramid 4x4x4 (cut in midturn like the Golden Cube)

453: Face Turning Rhombic Dodecahedron by David Pitcher; built by my Australian friend Burgo

frontview and backview (Gelatinbrain style)

454: Nightmare Cube (inner 3x3 bandaged like the Meffert's Bandaged Cube) gift from my friend Burgo; built by himself!

455: V-Cube 4 4x4x4 from Verdes

456: Dioctipoid V1.0 (FTO = Face Turning Octahedron in sphere shape - special colour scheme) from Moulding Innovations

457: I had ordered V2.0 as well. This is what I received on March 11th. As you can see, the V2.0 package contained an almost identically looking V1.0 puzzle. I got the V2.0 from Paul Squires on March 16th.

So, I got some V1.0 trial version by accident.

This picture shows the 8 "faces" corresponding to an FTO. I use the same notation as on the FTO

458: Dayan 3x3x3 #6 - PanShi from hknowstore

459: Doctipoid V2.0

460: Golden Nautilus from Jade Club

461: V-Cube 4 from Verdes

462: Twistball Flower

463: Eitan's Star designed by Eitan Cher as DEFTI, manufactured by mf8 from hknowstore

All twenty faces - frontview / backview - 10 warm and 10 cool colours

Konrad's notation used at the TP forum together with Gelatinbrain's

464: 4x4x4 Hex-Dipyramid from hknowstore (see the handmade version from Hungab #452

The 4x4 faces

465: Golden Gearball from Jade Club

466: Jade Chopsticks from Jade Club

467: 2x2x2 from hknowstore

468: Extended Ultimate Skewb by Andreas Nortmann

469: 4x4x4 Dodecahedron by Claus Wenicker

470: CubeTwist Bandaged 3x3x3 Kit from hknowstore (second; first #424 in 2012)

471: Dayan Gem VII from hknowstore (arrived July 19th)

472: X-Cube from hknowstore (designer Evgeniy Grigoriev (arrived July 22nd)

473: L-Cube from hknowstore (Calvin / Evgeniy)

474: 3x3x5

475: mf8 Curvy Starminx from hknowstore

back view

476: Dayan Gem V from hknowstore

477: Witeden & Oskar 3x3x3 Mixup Cube from hknowstore

478: Witeden & Oskar 3x3x4 Mixup Cube from hknowstore

479: Tony Fisher & Evgeniy Cross Cube from hknowstore

480: T-Cube from hknowstore (designer Evgeniy Grigoriev)

481: I-Cube from hknowstore (designer Evgeniy Grigoriev)

482:DaYan Gem V Stickerless (V.1)

483: Lanlan transparent 2x2x2

484: John Lin Squished Skewb

the new arrival with some relatives

485: 4x4x4 Mixup Plus

486: 4x4x4 Mixup Cube

family of Mixup Cubes + one Wormhole (the Shapeways 3x3x3 was made by Mike Armbrust)

487:Tony & Traiphum Pillow Hexaminx

Traiphum's handmade and the new mass-produced brother; easy to see who is who

488: Skewb X-treme from Meffert's; design by Tony Fisher

489: Locked Blocks hand made by Tony Fisher (bought at DCD)

490: Puzzle Head Penguin (bought at DCD from Olivér Nagy)

both are pretty large

491: Skewb X-treme (Multi coloured) actually still six colours are used

both versions together

492: Pocket Cube from Mefferts; designed by Justin - originally introduced here

493: Dayan Crazy 3x3x3 Plus - 4 Faces

493-2 October 26th 2013 I have received a crazy 2face kit as a gift from Burgo.

494: Calvin's 3x3x5 Super X-Cube with Evgeniy logo Stickerless

495: Evil Mask handmade by Yvette (Kattenvriendin)

496: Dayan Bermuda Megaminx Jupiter

stickered by myself

497: Dayan Wheel of Wisdom black with stickers

498: Justin's Pocket Corner (=Pocket Cube) - 4 colours

499: Dayan Starminx V2

stickered by myself using the Dayan colour scheme

500: another Pocket Corner - to get six coloured stickers from Olivér

501: John Lin's Skewb Curvy Rhombohedron

502: Dayan Wheel of Wisdom - stickerless