New in 2011

315: Lanlan Master Skewb from hknowstore

Size comparison: Lanlan Master Skewb a bit larger than the Meffert's Skewb

Custom Master Skewb versus mass-produced Master Skewb

316: Rubik's Bank from Meffert's

Size Comparison with normal Rubik's Cube

Opens with permuted edges

317: Second mass-produced Lanlan Master Skewb - I'll keep it in its box for now

318: Lanlan 4x4x4 Rhombic Dodecahedron from

319: 4x4x4 LanLan Top Magic Cube Black

320: mf8 Crazy Megaminx from Meffert's (type Earth)

size comparison of 4 Minxes

321: 2x3x4 fully functional by Garrett Ong (custom puzzle from Shapeways)


size is a bit smaller than Traiphums's 2x3x4

322: Ayi's 4x4x5 from hknowstore

identical size as 4x4x5 by Garrett Ong

323: Mosaic Cube by Oskar van Deventer from Meffert's

324: Replacement for Mini Starminx #300 in 2010

325: Tuttminx from designed by Lee Tutt; mass-produced by Leslie Le

326: Professor Pyraminx from Mefferts by Timur Evbatyrov

327: mf8 Gigaminx from Mefferts

New stickers from Olivér Nagy on Cube #306 Alpha V sealed

328: Dayan Gem II from hknowstore

play with the flash

329: Dayan Lun Hui from Witeden with Cubesmith stickers small size

330: Master Face Turning Octahedron (MFTO) by Timur Evbatyrov fully 3D printed by Shapeways

a bit smaller than the prototype from November 2010 (Nr 294)

same size as the usual FTO

(e.g. Nr 278)

331: MF8 Vertex turning Dodecahedron (Dinominx) name by mf8 = Starminx V1

size comparison with TomZ's Mini Starminx (which is a real Starminx V1)

332: Dino Cylinder by SmaZ - mass-produced by mf8 - ordered via PM from SmaZ

333: second Dino Cylinder

(in German we call a multidigit number with all digits identical a "Schnapszahl" - a lucky number for this nice puzzle!)

334: Super 3x3x4 from Witeden; like a combination of a normal 3x3x4 and a Crazy 3x3x2

335: 3x3x6 from Witeden; fully functional - non proportional cubies

336: Mosaic twins have arrived from Meffert's on April 23rd; after a month I had clarified that they are a gift from Uwe

337: the black brother; this one got a ball core from Shapewas by Oskar

the twins

338: mf8 Legend from mf8 - original stickers, not bad but not the best

339: V-Cube 2x2x2 pillowed from Cubikon shop in Munich

340: V-Cube 2x2x2 from Cubikon shop in Munich

341: Mini Mixup Cube from Mike Armbrust

slices turn by 45 degrees

342: Super 3x3x5 by Witeden (one circle; shape shifting; similar to the 3x3x6)

343: Dayan Gem III from hknowstore

Gem I, II, III together

344: mf8 Helicopter Dodecahedron from hknowstore

345: Grimace 2 layer

346: Grimace 3 layer from hknowstore

toys for my granddaughters!

347: Witeden Super 3x3x3 (two circles)

there is some similarity with the Saturn Crazy planet

348: Crazy Regular from Meffert's - a normal Circle Cube; logically identical to a 3x3x3 Super Cube (with centre orientation)

scrambled it looks more impressing than an ordinary Super Cube; compare my Alpha Cube #229 at the right with stickers from Olivér

A 3x3x3 Super Cube with Pochmann stickers (very much different from the Witeden Super 3x3x3 #347

349: Zhan Chi from hknowstore - DIY kit; with original stickers; world record by Feliks Zemdegs

two logos to make it look different-

5.66 seconds on June 25th, 2011 at the Melbourne Winter Open

350: Alexander's Star from leopulga TP member (via ebay)

351: Dayan's Crazy Tetrahedron Mercury from hknowstore

352: Dayan's Crazy Tetrahedron Jupiter from hknowstore

353: Dayan's Crazy Tedrahedron Regular from Meffert's

the Regular scrambled - all four faces are unbandaged (0) circles

354: pillowed Pyraminx from Meffert's by Adam G. Cowan and Timur

355: pillowed 3x3 from Meffert's as sponsor of Feliks Zemdegs

356: Curvy Copter mass-produced ordered from Meffert's;

together with the original; see #200 designed by Tom van der Zanden (TomZ)

357: Crazy Megaminx Uranus from hknowstore by Dayan / mf8

358: Super-X by TomZ (Shapeways)

359: Dino 3x3x3 by TomZ

360: Faceturning Octahedron by TomZ

361: 4x4x6 by TomZ

362: Curvy Copter mass-produced - free gift from TomZ

363: Fully proportional, fully functional 3x3x5; custom made by Christian B

compared with TomZ's 4x4x6

compared with the cubic, mass-produced C4you 3x3x5

364: Dayan's Crazy 3x3x3 Plus Saturn from hknowstore -

coloured plastic due to sticker issues of the black version - functionality beats beauty!

365: Elite Skewb by Eric Vergo- 3D printed by Shapeways - #2 in two respects: my second from Eric and the second Elite Skewb ever made

366: Gearshift by Oskar - manufactured by Meffert's

can be pulled apart in three directions

367: Witeden 3x3x9 Roadblock from Meffert's

368: Witeden 3x3x7 Roadblock from Meffert's

369: Venus Cube by Evbeniy Grigoriev from Meffert's

370: Witeden 3x3x9 from Meffert's

371: Dayan Bermuda Cube Mercury

372: Dayan Bermuda Cube Venus

373: Dayan Bermuda Cube Earth

374: Dayan Bermuda Cube Mars

375: Dayan Bermuda Cube Jupiter

376: Dayan Bermuda Cube Saturn

377: Dayan Bermuda Cube Uranus

378: Dayan Bermuda Cube Neptune

8 Bermuda planets from Meffert's

379: Ayi's 5x5x4 from hknowstore

380: Dino Cube mass-produced by mf8; design by SmaZ

381: Void cubic 3x3x2 custom puzzle by RyanA

382: Face turning Starminx (Starminx V1) from mf8 /hknowstore

383: Dino Cube from SmaZ with the characteristic hollow stickers and signed by him! Thank you SmaZ

384: Classical Tuttminx by Leslie Le from hknowstore

together with its brother #325

385: TomZ's Multidodecahedron 3D printed by Shapeways; waiting for Christmas and stickers

stickers arrived just before end of the year!

some different faces

last puzzle of 2011

71 puzzles in total