I think all Sonic fans should watch this. It goes heavily in-depth in how crunch time, layoffs, and just all around bad business decisions within Sega led to why the quality of the Sonic games in the 2000s turned out like it did. Also, wow Yuji Naka was a dick.

Collapse! Crunch for Mac offers all of the same great gameplay as the windows PC version. Collapse like you've never collapsed. Four new Collapse! game modes to sink your mouse into. Crank out some clicks in CRUNCH, bust some blocks in BIG, zero in on the fun in ZIGZAG, and puzzle over PERPLEXOR.

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The Big Crunch is a hypothetical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the expansion of the universe eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately causing the cosmic scale factor to reach zero, an event potentially followed by a reformation of the universe starting with another Big Bang. The vast majority of evidence indicates that this hypothesis is not correct. Instead, astronomical observations show that the expansion of the universe is accelerating rather than being slowed by gravity, suggesting that a Big Freeze is more likely.[1][2][3] However, there are new theories that suggest that a "Big Crunch-style" event could happen by the way of a dark energy fluctuation; however, this is still being debated amongst scientists.[4]

The Big Crunch[8] scenario hypothesized that the density of matter throughout the universe is sufficiently high that gravitational attraction will overcome the expansion which began with the Big Bang. The FLRW cosmology can predict whether the expansion will eventually stop based on the average energy density, Hubble parameter, and cosmological constant. If the expansion stopped, then contraction will inevitably follow, accelerating as time passes and finishing the universe in a kind of gravitational collapse,turning the universe into a black hole.

The Big Crunch theory also leads into another hypothesis known as the Big Bounce, in which after the big crunch destroys the universe, it does a sort of bounce, causing another big bang.[10] This could potentially repeat forever in a phenomenon known as a cyclic universe.

"If we're in a finite universe and all stars attract each other together, would they not all collapse to a singular point, and if we're in an infinite universe with infinite stars, would infinite forces in every direction not affect all of those stars?"

A theory called "Big Bounce" proposes that the universe could collapse to the state where it began and then initiate another Big Bang, so in this way, the universe would last forever but would pass through phases of expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (Big Crunch).[10] This means that there may be a universe in a state of constant Big Bangs and Big Crunches.

Here on substack I will also continue to write from time to time about topics which are not societal collapse. All posts that are part of the living literature review will say so at the top and I will also only mirror those posts to Github.

I provides a lot of data about the link between energy and growth, how the financial system could crash down in case of a too important recession. I think you can find a lot of valuable information there, I spent quite some time reading on collapse and aggregated some resources there.

So how is this gonna work? The idea behind this project is to make research on societal collapse more accessible to anyone who\u2019s interested in the topic, by writing it up in a nicely sorted and easy to read way. The living part means that if I come across new information, I will update the blog posts accordingly. This also means that I greatly appreciate it if you send papers which might be relevant to the posts you will have read here.

During a credit crunch, banks significantly raise their lending standards, making it difficult to acquire a loan. Borrowers may have to agree to more stringent terms like high interest rates as banks try to reduce the financial risk on their end. Fewer loans, in turn, would lead to less big-ticket spending by consumers and businesses.

There are two main ways for an expanding universe to die: The cosmos could eventually collapse back in on itself, or it could continue inflating forever. To find out which is right, astronomers had to fast-forward the evolution of the universe.

In the 1960s and 1970s, when astronomers added up all the matter in the known universe, they calculated there was enough mass that the cosmos should ultimately collapse to an infinitely dense state, or perhaps even a gargantuan black hole.

The expectation-defying discovery of dark energy showed the universe was very unlikely to collapse in a Big Crunch. Even with all the matter in the universe tugging inward, gravity will never be strong enough to overcome the inflating effect of dark energy. In other words, the ballooning universe is destined for a Big Freeze.

Igloo Energy Supply Ltd., Enstroga Ltd. and Symbio Energy Ltd. announced their collapse on Wednesday, representing a total of about 233,000 households. Those customers will be allocated another supplier by energy regulator Ofgem. Since the start of August, 10 utilities in the country have gone under.

All three providers that announced their collapse advised customers not to worry, noting that supplies are secure and that a new energy provider will be appointed soon. Symbio Energy has about 48,000 U.K. customers, and Enstroga has 6,000. Together the three suppliers represent less than 1% of domestic customers in the market, according to Ofgem.

With both collapse and indefinite expansion possible, we seem to be further than ever from predicting the fate of our Universe. But Linde says observations of supernovae, the leftover radiation from the big bang and galaxy distributions should help resolve the issue by pinning down the densities of dark energy and matter at different times in the past.

In a post-mortem written for the Brookings Institution 10 years after the 2008 financial collapse, former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke wrote the crisis had two causes. First, consumers in the early 2000s took on too much debt and could not continue spending after home values dropped and sank their net worth. And secondly, banks took too many risks with their holdings, were undercapitalized and depended too much on bank-to-bank credit lines to remain liquid.

While reading about negative energy in the following Wikipedia page, I came across a statement that, if in a universe positive energy dominates, it will eventually collapse upon itself in a crunch. _energy

You would get Lemon Sugar Crunch Buns, that's what. A tender and soft sweet dough bun with a crunchy lemon sugar cookie style topping. A funky, chunky pavement of lemon topped with the extra crunch of coarse sugar makes for a fantastic taste and texture that keeps you coming back, bite after bite. Quite a few of our taste testers said it was the crunch that kept them coming back for more, not just the amazing flavor.

Looking at the buns, you may be reminded of classic Dutch Crunch Bread, aka Tiger Bread, Alligator Bread, etc. Those breads have a yeasted rice flour batter spread over them before baking, and have a very distinctive flavor and texture. While the texture has the crunch quality, the flavor of Tiger Bread can be an acquired taste if it's not something you grew up with. Frank, our pastry chef, has Midwestern roots and knows Tiger Bread from way back, but the rest of us were definite neophytes. Hopefully you Tiger Bread lovers in the crowd will still love us even if we didn't love the bread right away.

I preferred them barely warm, with the crunch of the lemon sugar cookie over a sweet, airy dough. I imagine if you divided the dough into smaller portions, perhaps 16ths, you could get a very tiny little tea sized bun that would be excellent filled with a little schmear of cream cheese or clotted cream and a dab of raspberry jam.

One such theory, concerning the future of the universe, is playfully known as the "big crunch." According to this theory, the universe will one day stop expanding. Then, as gravity pulls on the matter, the universe will begin to contract, falling inward until it has collapsed back into a super-hot, super-dense singularity. If the theory holds true, the universe is like a giant souffl. It starts out small, then expands as it heats up. Eventually, however, the souffl cools and begins to collapse.

Nobody likes a fallen souffl, and we shouldn't like a universe that behaves like one. It spells the doom of every galaxy, star and planet that currently exists. Luckily, the big crunch is not a guarantee. Cosmologists are currently engaged in a hot debate. One camp says the souffl will fall; the other camp says the souffl will expand forever. It will be billions of years before we know for sure which camp is right.

In the meantime, let's dive deeper into the big crunch to understand what it is and what it means for the universe. Because the big crunch is actually a consequence of the big bang, let's start there.

Clearly, there's no easy answer when it comes to predicting the fate of the universe. But let's imagine for a moment that the density of the universe is above the critical value required to stop expansion. This would lead to the big crunch, which in many ways would be like hitting the rewind button on a VCR. As gravity within the universe pulled everything back, galaxy clusters would draw closer together. Then individual galaxies would begin to merge until, after billions of years, one mega-galaxy would form.

That's not the only theory. A few cosmologists, led by Paul J. Steinhardt of Princeton University and Neil Turok of Cambridge University, have recently argued that the big chill and the big crunch are not mutually exclusive. Their model works like this: The universe began with the big bang, which was followed by a period of slow expansion and gradual accumulation of dark energy. This is where we are today. e24fc04721

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