
Environmental Seismology River Sediment Monitoring Seismic Source Dynamics

Landslide Early Warning and Precursor Real-time Signal Processing

Academic Interests

Dr. Chao was trained as a seismologist and is now a practitioner in Environmental Seismology (EnviroSeis). The rapidly emerging field of Environmental Seismology (EnviroSeis) uses seismological techniques to record active geomorphic processes at Earth’s surface. By doing so, it is overcoming some of the fundamental shortcomings of classic observation techniques by providing continuous, non-invasive constraints on the location, magnitude and dynamics of environmental geohazards: landslide, rockfall, debris flow, glacier collapse, river sediment transportation, and earthquake. EnviroSeis has direct ties to geohazards monitoring and allows for rapid hazard assessment and timely warnings, which can be readily implemented at different places in the world by seismometer deployment and monitoring the high activities of surface erosions. The major topic focused on here is how to provide relevant information on dynamics of environmental geohazards: (I) Development of the real-time seismology-based real-time landslide monitoring system and its applications, (II) quantifying river sediment transport with fluvial seismology, (III) advancing glacier collapse monitoring by using seismology method, (IV) seismic signals preceding the landslide event, (V) toward a tsunami-generating landslide early warning system. The details can be found below:

(I) Real-time Landslide Monitoring System

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