Other Features

The features listed below are not a comprehensive list of all the mod's features. This is an outline of features that people may have common questions about.


As of 3.0.0, SunHelm includes diseases as an optional plugin in the installer.

Diseases now progress in stages. Every 24 hours you go without curing a disease, the disease will progress to the next stage.

The stages are as follows:

  • Just the disease name (ie. Ataxia)

  • Acute (ie. Acute Ataxia)

  • Severe (ie. Severe Ataxia)

All of the vanilla diseases retain their usual debuffs, but worsen as they progress.

Seven new diseases were also added to the mod. (Originated from TES 4 Oblivion) With increasingly dangerous effects with each stage.

  • Shakes - Archery is X% less effective. (Can catch from skeevers)

  • Swamp Fever - Carry Weight -X points (Can catch from Mudcrabs, Trolls)

  • Wither - Armor is X% less Effective. (Can catch from SabreCats)

  • Dampworm - Player speed -X%. (Can catch from Falmer)

  • Chills - Health regeneration -X%. (Can catch from Frostbite Spiders, Death Hounds)

  • Feeble Limb - Blocking is X% less effective. (Can catch from Wolves, Bears)

  • Astral Vapors - X% weakness to magic, -X% magicka regeneration. (Can catch from Draugr)

If you eat raw food, you will now have a 30% chance to catch food poisoning.

  • Food Poisoning - Health -40 points. Food restores 75% less hunger.


  • If you have the plugin installed, stopping SunHelm will remove all diseases and stop the background quest for applying diseases.

  • Regarding the above; if you are going to uninstall the disease module mid game, please stop SunHelm from the MCM before doing so.

Then, clean your save with a save cleaner. Please note that I cannot provide support if you are going to take this route. However, if you really need to uninstall mid game that is how you do it.


SunHelm includes two powers.

These can be toggled off in the MCM in favor of HotKeys.

  1. Continuance - Shows the current status of your needs.

  2. Drink and Fill - Use this power/hotkey while standing in water to drink and/or fill your bottles and waterskins.

Sleep to level up/ Arrow Weight

Skyrim Special Edition has had some things added to its game engine to support Creation Club mods.

SunHelm can utilize some of these engine level additions and activate sleep to level up and arrow weight.

  • Arrows/bolts all have a weight of 0.1.

  • In order to level up, you must sleep. This will be familiar to you if you have played oblivion.

Vampire Support

  • By default vampires are treated as immortal, and only have to worry about the vanilla thirst mechanic.

  • Feeding as a normal vampire, vampire lord, or even the vampire lord killmove where life is drained counts as feeding.

  • Blood potions also replenish the same as feeding would.

  • As a vampire, your thirst increases more slowly than a normal living being. This balances out the difficulty of finding a person to feed on, vs gathering water.

  • There are four options to choose from for vampire needs. Depending on your choice, you will have to deal with needs accordingly.

    • Immortal

    • Thirst

    • Thirst and Fatigue (Feeding or sleeping will replenish fatigue)

    • Thirst, Fatigue, and Hunger.

Werewolf Support

  • Feeding as a werewolf can replenish food, thirst, or both depending on your settings. (Food and thirst is default)

  • Werewolves in human form can eat raw food.

  • While in beast form, hunger, thirst and thirst do not increase.(Enabled by default)

  • However, your fatigue will increase by a large amount (100pts) after transforming back to a human.(Enabled by default).

Lich Support

  • In SunHelm, liches are treated as immortal. They are undead and have no need for basic needs.

Profile Support

  • As of 3.0.0, SunHelm's MCM menu has profile support as long as JContainers is installed.

  • From the Profile MCM page, you can save, delete, and load your profiles so that settings will persist across saves.

  • As of 3.0.2, SunHelm will load a default profile from "Data/SunHelm.json" upon starting a new game. Anything you put into this json will load upon starting, including presetting the mod to start up automatically with the "SunHelmEnabled : 1" setting.

Fast Travel

  • Fast travel is disabled by default. This can be changed in the MCM.

  • Using the carriage will cause needs to progress half as fast during your journey.


  • Alcohol will restore about half as much thirst as drinking water.

  • Skooma restores fatigue slightly and will have some interesting visual effects.


  • When you get out of jail, you will be let go hungry, tired, and thirsty.

    • There is one exception in the form of Cidhna Mine. When released from the mines, you will be Ravenous, Weary, and Dehydrated


You will be able to refill some hunger and thirst using the cannibalism functionality if enabled.

This will enable automatically if you have the ring of namira on, or you start the mod as a wood elf.

SunHelm's cannibalism will be compatible with any other mod's cannibal script changes. If using Wintersun, feeding will improve your standing with Namira like vanilla cannibalism will.