Fall 2023 MATH 155r Algebraic Combinatorics

This course will discuss several important classes of combinatorial objects such as permutations, set partitions, noncrossing partitions, posets, lattices, tableaux, and Dyck paths. Many of these objects can be associated in some way to symmetric groups. Symmetric groups are prototypical examples of Coxeter groups, which will be our primary focus in this class. Coxeter groups are central in modern algebraic combinatorics because they beautifully relate combinatorics, algebra, and geometry. We will discuss how several classical combinatorial objects associated to symmetric groups can be generalized to other Coxeter groups.

Meeting times: T & TH 1:30-2:45 PM 

Contact Information: 

Office: SC 235 

Email: colindefant@gmail.com

Office Hours: TH 3:00-4:00 PM or by appointment (this might change)

Textbook: Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups by Anders Björner and Francesco Brenti 


Course Notes (written up by Eliot Hodges)

Potential Sources for Final Projects: