
I've worked as an advisor at the Duluth REU program during the summers of 2017-2022. In 2023-2024, I was a co-director at the Duluth REU. I've mentored several projects based on problems that have arisen from my own research. I served as a mentor for the John Locke Gap Year Program in 2018 and Princeton's Mentoring Mobius program in 2020. 

Directed reading projects: 

Kevin Cong (Harvard, fall 2023) 

Evgeni Kayryakov (Harvard, fall 2023)

Ilaria Seidel (Harvard, fall 2023)

Eric Shen (Harvard, fall 2023)

Katherine Miner (MIT, spring 2023) 

Undergraduate senior theses:

Cole Yellin (Harvard, in progress)

I mentored a high school research project through the MIT PRIMES program, resulting in the following papers:

C. Defant, D. Dong, A. Lee, and M. Wei. Connectedness and cycle spaces of friends-and-strangers graphs. To appear in Discuss. Math. Graph. Theory.

A. Lee. Connectedness in friends-and-strangers graphs of spiders and complements. arXiv:2210.04768. Under review for publication. 

I've coauthored numerous papers with undergraduates (marked in my cv).

Below are papers that resulted from Duluth REU projects that I proposed and mentored while working as an advisor in 2017-2022. The full program bibliography for the Duluth REU (including projects I supervised in 2023-2024) can be found here

Y. Choi and Y. Choi. Highly sorted permutations with respect to a 312-avoiding stack. Enumer. Combin. Appl., 3 (2023). 

A. Milojević. Connectivity of old and new models of friends-and-strangers graphs. Adv. Appl. Math., 155 (2024)

Y. Choi and N. Sun. The Image of the pop operator on various lattices. Adv. Appl. Math., 154 (2024)

A. Li. Dynamics of pop-tsack torsing. arXiv:2209.11548. Under review for publication. 

C. Defant and J. Lin. Rowmotion on m-Tamari and biCambrian lattices. Comb. Theory, 4 (2024).  

E. Hodges. On promotion and quasi-tangled labelings of posets. Ann. Comb., 28 (2024), 529-554.    

L. Hong. The pop-stack-sorting operator on Tamari lattices. Adv. Appl. Math. 139 (2022). 

R. Jeong. On structural aspects of friends-and-strangers graphs. arXiv:2203.10337. Under review for publication. 

R. Jeong. Diameters of components of friends-and-strangers graphs are not polynomially bounded. arXiv:2201.00665. Under review for publication. 

K. Bangachev. On the asymmetric generalizations of two extremal questions on friends-and-strangers graphs. European J. Combin., 104 (2022). 

I. Axelrod-Freed. 312-avoiding reduced valid hook configurations and duck words. Enumer. Combin. Appl., 1 (2021).

C. Defant and K. Zheng. Stack-sorting with consecutive-pattern-avoiding stacks. Adv. Appl. Math., 128 (2021).

M. Singhal. Unimodality of a refinement of Lassalle's sequence. Discrete Math., 346 (2023). 

K. Berlow. Restricted stacks as functions. Discrete Math., 344 (2021).

C. Defant, N. Kravitz, and A. Sah. Supertrees. Electron. J. Combin., 27 (2020).

H. Vemuri. Domination in direct products of complete graphs. Discrete Appl. Math., 285 (2020), 473--482.

M. Sankar. Further bijections to pattern-avoiding valid hook configurations. Adv. Appl. Math., 125 (2021).

S. Garg. Antipowers in uniform morphic words and the Fibonacci word. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 23 (2021).

H. Mularczyk. Lattice paths and pattern-avoiding uniquely sorted permutations. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 22 (2021).

C. Defant and N. Kravitz. Stack-sorting for words. Australas. J. Combin., 77 (2020), 51--68.

M. Gaetz. Anti-power j-fixes of the Thue--Morse word. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 23 (2021).

A. Burcroff. Domination parameters of the unitary Cayley graph of Z/nZ. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 43 (2023), 95--114. 

A. Burcroff. (k,λ)-anti-powers and other patterns in words. Electron. J. Combin., 25 (2018).

N. Achenjang and A. Berger. On gaps in the closures of images of divisor functions. Int. J. Number Theory, 15 (2019), 1023--1036.

C. Defant and S. Iyer. Domination and upper domination of direct product graphs. Discrete Math., 341 (2018), 2742--2752.

N. Zubrilina. On the number of connected components of ranges of divisor functions. arXiv:1711.02871.