CogSci Workshop 2019: Guided Playful Learning

Guided Playful Learning: Developmental, Computational, and Educational Perspectives

Organizers: Emily N. Daubert & Patrick Shafto

Learning is a continuous process that is contingent on temporal, developmental, and social factors. Recently, guided playful learning has been put forth as an integrative child-led, adult-assisted approach that addresses these factors and promotes learning. Research in cognitive development has focused on elucidating the underlying cognitive mechanisms that lead to changes in children’s knowledge. In computational modeling, researchers have sought to formalize models of guided playful learning by drawing from active learning and instruction literatures. Finally, educational researchers have explored the roles of individual differences and learning domains on the effectiveness of guided playful learning. The goal of this workshop is to unite an interdisciplinary group of researchers, with expertise in cognitive development, computation, and education in order to develop a unified theoretical and empirical understanding of the interplay of temporal, developmental, and social factors involved in guided playful learning.