

特別講演1  6月1日(土)15:15 - 16:30


今水 寛(東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科心理学研究室・ATR認知機構研究所)


特別講演2(オンデマンド配信)<Special Lecture 2>

Dark thoughts and bright illusions」

Bruno Laeng(Oslo University)

In the last 12 years, there have been several reports that the eye pupil adjusts to the brightness levels of scenes or objects that do not exist, that is, they are either imagined or illusory. The talk will review several types of evidence, either already published or under review, that have originated from different laboratories. The participants of these studies have been mainly humans, but recent evidence is confirming that the same pupillary responses to optical illusions occur with animals, like rodents or monkeys. These works indicate that illusions of brightness cause rapid adjustments of the diameter of the pupil despite no changes in physical levels of luminance, which remain constant during the experiments. This happens with both illusions of enhanced light (e.g., illusory glare) as of darkness (e.g., expanding dark holes, or illusions of moving within dark tunnels). Several of the illusions used in these empirical demonstrations were designed by the Japanese psychologist Akiyoshi Kitaoka. The studies converge in showing that the effects on the pupil responses are robust and easily replicable. Overall, the evidence points to some fundamental aspects of visual perception: It is constructive, not reflective of physical reality; it is embodied, since the oculomotor system reacts to mental images and optical illusions similarly to the way that it react to physically present things; it is predictive, since the responses to illusions may represent preparatory responses to changes that are likely to happen in a near future in the physical environment.  

大会準備委員会企画国際シンポジウム 6月1日(土)13:15 - 15:05





Hamad Al-Azary (Lawrence Technological University)

J. Nick Reid (University of Northern British Columbia)

岡 隆之介 (三菱電機株式会社 情報技術総合研究所)

生田 美希 (早稲田大学)


楠見 孝(京都大学)

Metaphors are commonly encountered in daily life and have the potential to facilitate cognition, communication, and social interaction. Characterizing the mechanisms involved in metaphor processing is critical for cognitive science.

In this symposium, Dr. Hamad Al-Azary will first describe the centrality of metaphor in human experience, and then describe how semantic representations affect metaphor processing. Next, Dr. Ryunosuke Oka will talk about the effect of context on metaphor selection. Then Dr. J. Nick Reid will describe a theory that aims to bridge the gap between memory and language research, which have traditionally been studied separately by applying the results of conceptual metaphor false memory research to models of memory. Finally, Dr. Miki Ikuta will discuss how language learners process metaphors compared to native speakers. Dr. Takashi Kusumi, a leading expert in metaphor research, will be the designated discussant. The purpose of this symposium is to introduce and discuss these studies, to familiarize the audience with metaphor research, and to deepen their understanding of metaphor research.


このシンポジウムでは,まずHamad Al-Azary先生が人間の経験におけるメタファーの重要性について述べ,メタファー処理に関与する認知メカニズムを説明する。次に,岡隆之介先生がメタファー選択における文脈の効果について述べる,そして,J. Nick Reid先生が,概念メタファーにおける虚記憶研究の成果を記憶のモデルにあてはめることで,従来別々に研究されてきた記憶と言語研究のギャップを埋めることを目的とした理論について説明する。最後に,生田美希先生が第2言語でのメタファー理解を母国語での理解との比較から考察する。指定討論者には,メタファー研究の第一人者である楠見孝先生にご登壇いただく。これらの研究の紹介と討論からメタファー研究を身近に感じていただき,メタファー研究への理解を深めていただくことを目的として企画する。なお,本シンポジウムは話題提供を英語で,指定討論を日本語で行う予定である。

大会準備委員会企画ワークショップ  6月2日(11:00 - 12:15





末神 翔(ヤマハ発動機株式会社)


常岡 充子(警察庁科学警察研究所)


田根 健吾(マツダ株式会社 )

「モノづくりにおいてヒトを考えるということ  -認知心理学修了者の視点から-」

高山 凌汰(トビー・テクノロジー株式会社)



優秀発表賞受賞講演会  6月1日()11:00 - 12:15(予定)



11:05~11:20 松田憲(北九州市立大学) 


11:20~11:35 小林穂波(関西学院大学)


11:35~11:50 井関龍太(大正大学) 


11:50~12:05 津田裕之(同志社大学) 


12:05〜12:15 総合討論


総会・優秀発表賞授賞式・独創賞受賞者講演  6月2日(日)13:45 - 15:40

懇親ランチ会  6月2日()12:15 - 14:45
