
I am a mother of amazing 21 year old twins, and married to my husband, my soul mate, for 25 years. We currently have two rescued dogs and two rescued cats, but have often had many pets at a time including rescue horses, cows, goats, and chickens.

I play classical piano, and my favorite composer is Chopin, though I love Rachmaninov but cannot do either justice. I love mathematics, especially number theory, and physics, though I only read physics meant for the lay person. I'm fascinated by the Reimann Hypothesis and would love to be able answer it one day. Euler is my mathematical hero, and Leonard Susskind is my modern day physics hero, but Einstein is a close second! The mysteries of the universe fascinate me, in particular the idea of quantum entanglement, and I wish that we would someday be able to discover the truth about black holes.

I believe my values originated with my father, my hero, protector, confidant, and without a doubt the best father and man that could ever be. He wanted to be remembered as 'Harry the Great' and so he will. He touched all who knew him with his kindness and keen intelligence.

I believe in social justice and animal welfare, and will support any effort that aims to provide safe, loving and nurturing environments for all children. Criminality and cruelty is born in tortured or ignored children.

I virulently believe that animals should be treated as the sentient beings they are with relevant rights being respected. This includes all living beings with a central nervous system, and probably many that do not posses such. The horrors of modern day agri-business is egregious and needs to come to an end.