Conference on Economic Design

University of Girona,  June 15th-17th,  2023

NEWS: The programme is now available to read or print.

The 13th Conference on Economic Design will be held  in person at the Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, University of Girona, Girona on June 15th-17th, 2023. The conference contains papers from different fields such as Economics, Political Science, Computer Science and Operation Research. Subjects include but are not limited to auctions, matching, voting, social choice, cooperative and non-cooperative games, coalition formation, price formation, contest, fair division, contract, bargaining, negotiation, market design, public goods, mechanism design, public policy, etc. 


Gabrielle Demange

Leonid Hurwicz Lecture

Paris School of Economics 

Jordi   Massó

Murat Sertel Lecture

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Alex Teytelboym

 Paul Kleindorfer Lecture

University of Oxford


Local Organizers:

Dolors Berga (chair), Elena Del Rey, Joaquin Naval, José Ignacio Silva, Àngels Xabadia.

Scientific Committee:

Chair: Tommy Andersson (Lund University and Stockholm School of Economics), Dolors Berga (Universitat de Girona), Nicolas Boccard (Universitat de Girona), Albin Erlanson (University of Essex), Anke Gerber (Universität Hamburg), Bettina Klaus (University of Lausanne), Bernardo Moreno (Universidad de Málaga), Alexander Westkamp (University of Cologne).

For additional information, please contact by e-mail