Call for papers

Conference on Economic Design, Girona, June 15th-17th,  2023

Registration for non-presenters is CLOSED (it was open till May 25th).

Registration for presenters is CLOSED (it was open till May 10th).

Notification of acceptance was sent on March 20 or 21st. 

Submissions are closed. 

Authors are invited to submit papers from different fields such as Economics, Political Science, Computer Science and Operation Research. Subjects include but are not limited to auctions, matching, voting, social choice, cooperative and non-cooperative games, coalition formation, price formation, contests, fair division, contracts, bargaining, negotiation, market design, public goods, mechanism design, public policies, etc.

The extended deadline for submissions is March 12, 2023. Decisions will be notified no later than April 2nd, 2023. Accepted papers will only be included in the final program if presenting authors have registered by May 10th, 2023. Each participant may present at most one paper but can co-author more than one paper in the program.

Submissions must consist of a single PDF file uploaded at the following link to a google form where additional information is required (presenter, affiliation, title, co-authors, area). Note that a google account is needed to fulfill the submission.

Submit your paper HERE

For additional information or if you have any problems in the submission, please contact by e-mail