Paralegal Studies Program Emergency Student Fund 

Paralegal Studies Program Emergency Student Fund
through the College of DuPage Foundation

Now accepting donations!

A fund has been established for Paralegal Studies students with emergency needs.  Please donate, if you are able.  The goal is to allow a student in need to quickly obtain a one-time, small amount of money, with minimal red tape, to be used to allow the student to remain in school.  Originally it was conceived to help pay for things like transportation to class if one’s car was in the shop and one has no money to get to class.  In light of current events, it could be used to help make a payment towards internet, so the student can remain in online classes.

The need is urgent.  Please donate as generously as you are able to the COD FOUNDATION.  Please earmark the donation PARALEGAL STUDIES STUDENT EMERGENCY FUND.

Go to   Detailed donation instructions may be found here.

Whether you are a faculty member, a graduate of our program, or a current student, you realize how important education is.  Please give.  Any donation, in any amount, helps!

Thank you!