Game Development Scorecard

This is how Game Designs are evaluated.


1- Project Structure: (Total: 3)

Evaluate the project Structure practices employed during development. Assess factors such as task organization, scheduling, resource allocation, and the ability to meet deadlines.

2- Code Quality:  (Total: 3)

Assess the quality of the game's underlying code. Evaluate factors such as readability, maintainability, efficiency, and adherence to coding standards. Review the use of appropriate data structures and algorithms.

3- Bug Tracking and Testing:  (Total: 2)

Evaluate the effectiveness of bug tracking and testing processes. Consider the robustness of the testing strategy, the identification and resolution of bugs, and the overall stability and performance of the game.

4- Collaboration and Communication: (Total: 3)

Assess the level of collaboration and communication among the development team members. Evaluate their ability to work together effectively, share knowledge, and address challenges efficiently.

5- Version Control and Documentation: 

Evaluate the use of version control systems to track changes and manage code. Consider the completeness and clarity of documentation, including code comments, user manuals, and technical specifications.

6- Iterative Improvement: (Total: 2)

Assess the ability of the development team to iterate and improve the game based on user feedback and testing. Evaluate their responsiveness to identified issues and their ability to implement updates and fixes.

7- Technical Innovation: (Total: 6)

Consider any technical innovations or unique features implemented during development. Evaluate their effectiveness, originality, and impact on the overall game experience.