Code Farm

Hour of Code

πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Guiding Question: How do people train robots?

πŸ”Ž Lesson Overview

This activity introduces robots as they are used in modern agriculture and supports students in developing basic programming skills.

Students begin the lesson by drawing and describing robots and what they can do, then work together to come up with a working definition of a robot. They then watch a short instructional video about robotics before logging into the CoderZ platform. Students control the virtual robot using manual control, then practice using the coding interface to control the robot. They then reflect on what they have learned about how hardware and software interact in the virtual robots, as well as the robots they described in the beginning of the class.

🎯 Learning Objectives

  1. Define a robot as a machine controlled by a computer

  2. Use sensors and conditionals to control a robot's behavior

🏹 Assessment Guidance

  1. Define a robot as a machine controlled by a computer

In the first reflection question (β€œWhat makes a robot different from other machines?”), ensure that students have explained that the robot is controlled by a computer program.

  1. Use sensors and conditionals to control a robot's behavior

Check that students have successfully completed Mission 6.

⏲ Lesson Outline and Sample Pacing Plan

β€πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ« Standards Alignment

CSTA 1B-AP-10 Create programs that include sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.

πŸ““ Key Vocabulary

  • Robot – a machine controlled by a computer

  • Sensor – part of a robot that collects information from the environment

Introduction - Robots and Farming

Slides 1 - 5

Explore the idea of a 'robot' with students.

Programming your Robot

Slides 6 - 8

Introduce students to the CoderZ platform.

Sensors and Robots

Slides 9 - 12

Allow students to complete the next three missions of the pack independently.

Planning and Planting a Garden

Slides 13 - 15

Introduce the ideas of bugs and the debugging process.


Slides 16 - 19

Introduce the ideas of bugs and the debugging process.