Case Status

Case Status

On the case page we have important information at the top which we can customize and add up to nine fields.

Below that is the case status bar. Simply click and save to change the status of the case.

CoCounselor automatically sends an email to the client when their case status has been changed giving them an update and what to expect in real time without any extra work on your end.


What are the different statuses of the case status inside CoCounselor?

The different statuses of the case include treating, collecting medical information, ready for demand, negotiating, pending lawsuit, lawsuit filed, lawsuit served, settled, closed – won, closed – lost, referred out, and disengaged.

What else is included below the case status bar?

Below the case status is other important information related to their case such as information, case history, case expenses, source, details, insurance, settlement, documents, and more.