How Can Law Practice Management Software Help My Firm Grow?

How Can Law Practice Management Software Help My Firm Grow?

Legal case management software is an invaluable tool for personal injury firms.

It can help your law firm engage with clients faster, close more deals, and provide improved legal services.

Legal practice management software can also help your law firm grow.

But, too many personal injury firms are still relying on older legal software systems that are outdated or aren’t using a legal software system.

If you are a small or one-person firm with plans of growing, you need to use legal practice management software.

Law practice management software has exactly what a growing law firm needs to edge out their competition.

If your law practice is growing, you may be wondering how legal practice management software will help you continue your growth.

For one, if you are still using spreadsheets, they will do nothing but stunt your growth.

Switching from spreadsheets to practice management software is enough in itself to boost your growth.

But there are countless other reasons you should adopt law practice management software if you want it to grow.

The right solution can increase efficiency, improve organization, and establish accountability at any law firm.

The article below will discuss several benefits of legal management software that will help your law firm grow.

Table of Contents

  • Increased Staff Productivity

  • Improved Training Processes

  • Increased Organization

  • Complete Conflict Checks

  • Improved Customer Service

  • Automated Time and Billing Entries

  • Work From Anywhere

  • Stronger Cybersecurity

  • Better Workflow Management

  • Save Money on Insurance Costs

  • Grow Your Firm With Law Practice Management Software

  • Give CoCounselor A Try

Increased Staff Productivity

The core of any legal practice management software is keeping track of everything related to your cases.

This can be found on the matter record inside of your practice management software.

Information stored here can include your client’s contact information, case documents, calendar appointments, tasks, email correspondence, notes, and billing information.

With legal management software, your staff will know where to look for matter-related information without having to dig through piles of paperwork or asking a coworker to send the file over.

They’ll know that if they look inside your software program, they should be able to find the information they’re looking for.

Improved Training Processes

Practice management software with workflow automation will allow your law firm to define routines.

For example, when you get a new personal injury client, you can automatically assign tasks to the attorney to welcome the client using your legal management software.

You can also assign your legal assistant to order ambulance and emergency room medical records for the client.

Task workflows are essential, no matter how big your firm is.

They establish consistency across teams, or they make it easier for you to perform routine tasks.

And as your practice gets bigger, it will take the guesswork out of training new hires.

The more intuitive the case management software, the quicker you and your employees can get up to speed.

Increased Organization

All the information used to be kept in a room full of filing cabinets or on several different spreadsheets can easily be kept in one area with good law practice management software.

Your or your staff can enter case descriptions, deadlines, contact information, case notes, task lists, and much more, all in one program.

You already have this information, but now you can keep it all in one area?

Legal case management software allows you to quickly and easily access all of your information and enable follow-up automation.

Some programs even include online forms, text messaging, and email marketing.

These days features like this are not only game-changers, but they are required to stay competitive.

Complete Conflict Checks

If you can run a conflict check in the software where most of your clients’ information resides, you’ll get a complete conflict check.

Many firms have to run a conflict check in their billing software, against a spreadsheet, and then send out a conflict vote to ensure attorneys don’t uncover conflicts in their files.

With case management software, you can run a conflict on everything at once.

This is important because it improves your firm’s processes and protects your firm by keeping you compliant with your liability insurance.

Improved Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of running and growing a law firm.

Organized case management software will assit you in keeping better client records.

When a virtual file is opened, everyone involved can quickly get up to date.

If a client calls, there is no need to transfer the call, search through filing cabinets, or yell down the hall to ask questions.

You will be able to access all of the case information with just a few clicks.

Legal technology helps you keep better client records and track client communication.

How often do you reach out to clients with case updates? Do you expect your attorneys and staff to reach out to clients with case updates?

Are you able to keep up? Do you know if they’re keeping up?

If you have difficulties with regular client communication, you need a program with built-in-back to top tracking and reminders.

Automated Time and Billing Entries

Many new firms use an app for intake, another app for case management, and a different for legal billing software.

The best option for a growing law firm is to have one platform with all three features.

You should have legal billing software, case management, and intake/CRM together in one application.

You and your staff will save so much time since you no longer have to create the same clients in each system and update addresses and contact information in several different applications.

Having your legal billing software on the same platform as intake and case management is the only way to be efficient and save money, allowing you to expand much quicker.

Work From Anywhere

It’s no longer practical to be tied down to an office or a single workstation.

If you use a cloud-based practice management application, and you should, you can work from anywhere.

With cloud-based practice management software, you can access your firm’s database from any device that can connect to the internet.

So, as long as you have internet, a smartphone, and cloud-based software, you can access your client information.

Stronger Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity should be a significant concern for law firms, both big and small.

You can protect your data without law practice management software, but keeping up with the latest security threats robs you of time and resources that could be used to expand your business.

Law firms that invest in secure legal software enjoy the benefits of the program and its security features.

You should be wary of solutions that promise complete online security.

Due to human error, there is no such thing as complete online security.

As your firm grows, you have to educate your employees on cybersecurity to avoid human errors like unsecured passwords or phishing scams.

Better Workflow Management

When organizing a case without adequate legal management software, you have to pull information from several different sources.

Your briefs and pleadings may be in one folder on your server, email messages might be in another folder, and your transcripts might be in a stack on a shelf.

As your firm grows, workflow management becomes crucial.

Workflow management can be made simple by using the right legal practice management software.

Most programs will allow you to create templates to streamline your process and apply different workflows.

You decide which milestones are essential for your practice and which staff members to assign the tasks to.

As you get bigger, you can easily replicate it to another practice area and adjust it to the situation.

Save Money on Insurance Costs

40% of legal malpractice suits are due to administrative errors such as calendaring mistakes.

These are all 100% avoidable.

Practice management solutions like CoCounselor will help you keep track of statutes, litigation deadlines, and more.

Law firms with legal software and calendaring tools make fewer administrative mistakes, leading to fewer malpractice suits.

This allows you to put all of your focus on growing your firm.

And malpractice insurance companies know this, and many give discounts to law firms that use this technology.

You may also save money on insurance for having things like automated statute reminders and conflict checkers.

Grow Your Firm With Law Practice Management Software

Law practice management software can help your law firm increase efficiency, be more organized, and increase revenue.

If you’ve never used legal practice management software, it is vital to pick the program that can grow right along with your firm.

No two solutions are the same, so consider the benefits that will best the growth of your law firm.

Give CoCounselor A Try

Many law firms are already using cloud-based legal practice management software.

That’s why if you want your firm to grow, you need to use it as well.

If you are running a personal injury law firm without cloud-based practice management software, we invite you to take a trial run of CoCounselor.

CoCounselor and Personal Injury Law Firms were made for each other.

CoCounselor is the only cloud-based practice management solution specifically designed for Personal Injury Firms.

With CoCounselor, you can gain operational efficiencies, keep your entire staff on the same page, work from anywhere on any device, and build valuable dashboards and reports to keep you up-to-date on important deadlines and the overall health of your practice.

If you’re still running a personal injury law firm without law practice management software, it’s time to give CoCounselor a try so your firm can grow into what you want it to be.

Click the button below to start your trial.