CoCounselor is the only cloud-based practice management solution designed with the Personal Injury Firm in mind. Gain operational efficiencies, keep your entire staff on the same page, work from anywhere on any device, and build valuable dashboards and reports to keep you up-to-date on important deadlines and the overall health of your firm.

Creating A Succession Plan With Law Practice Management Software

One of the major draw backs that any firm is bound to experience is the retirement of an important senior partner in the business. This creates a major problem especially among clients who feel unsatisfied with disappearance of a loved and familiar face. When it comes to a law firm, Law Practice Management Software can be of great help in enhancing a smooth and efficient transition. This way, you are assured of handling succession in a better way that everyone including clients will be comfortable with.

One of the major ways in which law practice management software guarantees a successful succession plan is through providing a definition of the roles of every partner in the firm. Documenting the responsibilities of every major and minor partner is very useful and when the time comes for the partner to leave the practice, the remaining partners will have no problems in handling the tasks previously handled by the leaving partner. It therefore becomes very easy to redistribute the vacated roles among the remaining partners or even hire a new staff member to replace the retired person.

CoCounselor Legal Practice Management Software - (404) 419-7893

In most of the cases, you will find that the various duties outlined on a mere piece of paper are not the actual representation of the real working of the law firm. In this regard, practice management software for law plays a vital role of tracking the workload of every attorney in the firm and even defines the roles accurately. The software will also be of a much greater usefulness as far as scouting new leaders is concerned. Good software will help the firm avoid competing unreasonably with other firms for candidates when a vacancy arises. Another issue of interest as far as succession and law practice management software are concerned is assisting in the process of coming up with an applicable retirement and compensation plan. A successful compensation plan will reward the existing attorneys in a major way especially on the issue of delegating duties appropriately. In addition to creating a better relationship between the law firm and clients, the practicing attorneys also stand to benefit from provision of more improved training programs and efficient operations.

When a well formulated retirement plan is in place, there will surely be a better transition and no operations will come to an abrupt halt just because a partner has retired. Any focused law firm must think about getting practice management software as the law firm has a lot to benefit from its installation. So, the next time one of the partners is going for retirement, you don't have to worry about problems that might arise during the succession process as it will be easy and smooth with the software.

Case Management Software for Law Firms

In today's world, litigation is managed either by an individual lawyer or a law firm. On the other hand, law firms need something that can take control of their practice headaches with an integrated solution. Wouldn't we all prefer some type of collaborative software that works in harmony with no breakdowns? A software that has one central database, email integration and increases team effectiveness. Something that will get the job done in a matter of minutes via automated workflows?

What I am referring to are various legal case management software that lawyers can use to make their lives simpler. It not only reduces time with the use of precedents and workflows but it also make client follow up and deadlines easier to follow.

But would it be right for you? Would it be worth the investment?

Well, individual lawyers can handle such information themselves within outlook itself, but a law firm with more than 3 lawyers on board would certainly reap the benefits of using a proper case management software.

CoCounselor Legal Practice Management Software

With so much of paper trail involved in legal business, it would be a welcome change to consolidate all in centralized document management module and have it access from anywhere. Since lawyers of law firms normally work it teams, it's important that they work is collaborated across the entire team. With so much information, data security is important and in that case a law firm should also look at an 'on-premise solutions' than a hosted one.

On-Premise solutions are software applications installed on your server. You pay an upfront price of the software but it is a indeed a long term investment. The data is stored locally and you have full control. On-Premise solutions also give you greater ability to have the solution customized according to your own requirements. Hosted solutions are web based application available to you via the internet connection only. On a longer term customer tend to pay more as it is very similar to renting vs. buying. Customizations options are usually very limited in the case of a hosted solution. Integration with your local application such as Outlook is usually a challenge with hosted application as the outlook is usually installed locally on a desktop.

Using Law Practice Management Software To Protect Your Practice From Liability

Legal malpractice is rarely a result of misunderstanding or abusing the law. Most cases stem from momentary carelessness or small errors. Law practice management software minimizes these mistakes, but it's important to find the right application for your practice.

Sources Of Liability Exposure

Three major sources of malpractice liability are mismanagement of trust funds, noncompliance to court rules and mistakes in documents. Typically these are small errors, such as a missed court deadline or a misplaced comma, yet these seeming trivial errors can lead to expensive and drawn-out court battles. No matter how vigilant an attorney is, a fleeting lapse can lead to long-term repercussions.

More errors are introduced when trying to streamline operations. An attorney might take an existing document and repurpose it for a new client, changing the names and details as needed. However, one missed detail, even a single "he" not changed to "she," can invalidate the document and lead to serious problems for both the practice and the client.

Software Solutions

Law practice management software helps practices avoid these mistakes. Calendar applications ensure not only that everyone knows of relevant deadlines, but also that they manage their time effectively. Law accounting software manages trust funds and alerts users to non-compliance dangers. Document generation applications guide attorneys through each document, ensuring that no detail is overlooked, and no errors are introduced by trying to recycle old materials.

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It's important to use an application specific to the legal industry, rather than trying to repurpose generic applications. Dedicated law accounting software has features designed to deal with issues specific to trust accounting. The same cannot be said of a typical business bookkeeping program. Trying to convert general systems for use in legal practices doesn't provide the same protection as using industry-specific products.

Improved Documentation And Communication

Law practice management software centralizes documentation and simplifies the process of data protection, backup and recovery. Calendars, client contact information, trust accounting history and other information is tracked, saved and safeguarded more effectively than would be possible with paper or generic applications. Each attorney has instant access to needed materials, and everyone works from a centralized source ensuring they are viewing the same data.

Law accounting software and other applications enhance client communication. Reports are generated with a click, making it easier to get clients any and all information they need and ensuring both attorney and client are on the same page. Less miscommunication means better client service and less chance of liability issues due to misunderstandings.

How To Choose The Right Law Firm Management Software

Just as subtle details can change the outcome of legal actions, small oversights can make one practice management software application a star and another one a dud. There are three phases of law firm management software adoption - vendor selection, installation and training, and compliance. If you take the time to do this right, your practice will greatly benefit.

Shop Around

Make a list of the features you want from law firm management software. Think about core functions such as billable time tracking, client databases and document management, but also consider additional features. For example, do you want an application that also handles email or will you want it to integrate with your company's current email system? Try before you buy. Choose a vendor that will send a representative to your office for a demonstration or do a virtual presentation online; but don't just sit there and listen to a marketing presentation.

You wouldn't buy a car without test driving it first, and the same should go for a product that will have such a significant impact on your practice. Get a hands-on feel for how intuitive and responsive the system can be to your needs. Come up with specific scenarios you want to see, like how practice management software would generate a client report for a specific period, or how you can view two attorneys' calendars at the same time.

Installation And Training

You cannot install a new program on your law firm's network and assume that's the end of it. This is just the beginning. After installation and testing on your firm's computer systems, training and consulting for your attorneys and staff are critical to ensure you get the most value from the newly integrated law management software.

As a rule, expect to spend as much on these services as you spent on the original product. Third-party consultants provide the education necessary to get all employees using the system with confidence from day one. They teach your organization to use the application to its full potential, and assist in customizing the application to your law firm's specific needs. Consultants ease the transition period and get your organization back up to speed more quickly, rather than stumbling along on your own.


Some attorneys will be resistant to the new practice management software. Routine tasks may be perceived as more challenging because they don't know the system anymore. They are tempted to find ways around the new technology, stubbornly clinging to old methods. Don't let them. Distribute written policies that make it clear that all tasks must be carried out with the new firm management system.

Often the most resistant users are the senior attorneys in the law firm. It is critical to get them on board from the beginning, because if they won't comply with the new system it sends the wrong message to other employees and can potentially jeopardize paper trails and audits, to name a few.

The Major Benefits of Using a Law Practice Management System

Hundreds of thousands of elite level professionals all around the world are taking advantage of practice management systems to help them better and more efficiently run their law firms or other professional services. Offering the perfect blend of out-of-the-box capabilities (and infinite customization), the very best practice management systems can give even brand-new businesses the exact same advantages that they are more established competition has been using for years and years.

That being said, there are certainly a number of major benefits and advantages to using the latest legal practice management software available - some of which we are going to dive into right now.

The first major benefit that you're going to find when using legal practice management software is a more streamlined communication system

Trying to juggle all of the different communication mediums that we have access to in our modern world (email text message, phone call, fax, and a whole host of others) can be one of the biggest hassles of trying to properly manage and communicate across a legal firm. The last thing that your clients and customers are going to want to hear is that you are unable to dig up all of the information you need to take care of their unique case and situation - all because your communication systems have failed.

No, you're going to want to install a high-level legal practice management software just as soon as humanly possible to help you juggle all of the different communications coming in and going out of your practice. Not only will you have records for each and every one of these communications, but you should also be able to more effectively manage, categorize, and access each and every single one of them.

Secondly, you're going to be able to enjoy a more efficient use of assets - human or otherwise

Having a large legal practice (or any professional service, for that matter) is like trying to operate a delicate machine - any minor faults or cracks in the system can quickly bogged down of efficiency to ridiculously low levels.

Just by installing matter management software and practice management systems - in training each and every one of your practice employees or members in the use of these platforms - gives you a decided advantage in eliminating much of the waste and confusion that can arise. No, you'll be able to effectively and efficiently tap into human assets (getting inside information, professional insights, or outside advice from experienced members who may not be working on a specific case at any given time) or other assets as well, allowing you to better serve your clients.

Finally, using a specific legal practice management software will help you to create a built in "knowledge base" for future reference

All lawyers, attorneys, and other professionals understand that sometimes looking back at what has happened in the past - really tracing previous precedents that have already been established - can give you tremendous insights for moving forward. The right practice management systems and matter management software allow you to communicate effectively across your practice, all while creating a built-in "knowledge base" that you can refer to time and time again.

Law Practice Management Software - What to Look For When Making Your Purchase

It's already known that managing a law firm is such a difficult task to do wherein you need to have a mechanical approach in dealing with important factors involving it such as accounting, time, calendaring and billing. Having no mechanical program to follow will most likely put you in danger of committing grave mistakes that will later on lead to neglecting vital billable time, working without the knowledge of your efficiency, slow process on your billing or collections and worst, losing of important clients. Your best defense against making these errors is for you to get reliable law practice management software, which will truly help a firm function perfectly. Outstanding Features of Good Law Practice Management Software

The software will be your guide in doing those key law firm tasks; hence it's important that you choose the best you can utilize.

Check out the following characteristics that make up high-quality law management software.Avail your software only from trusted manufacturers on the web. You must talk to their manager that will look upon your firm's specific needs and guarantees you that the installation, trainings, modification, data discussion and systems will work well. Purchase software that is truly compatible to your office hardware.

The next thing to check is that the management software is capable of granting your particular demands. You must be able to change the screens case, intake and name, as well as modify files, reports, forms, inquiry and workflow regulations according to your requirements.

You should get practice management software that is arranged to be paperless. Look for automatic document organization which is an essential feature of the software since it creates a customary naming conference and path for saving PDF forms, Work Perfect and Word, getting away with the usual manual system of case folders and the naming of case papers.

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3391 Peachtree Rd NE #110

Atlanta, GA 30326

(404) 419-7893


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