Pan Caribbean website of the Cocoa Research Centre


CocoaNEXT mission

CocoaNEXT exists to give cocoa industry stakeholders the tools to take charge of the industry and effect positive change through regional collaboration and access to best practices. 

This CocoaNEXT website is the final output of a regional project  funded by Perez Guerrero Crop Trust.
The website objective is to provide a forum for stakeholders of the local and regional cocoa industry to collaborate.
We welcome regional stakeholders to interact, learn and share best practices. Together we will improve sustainability in our respective cocoa industries



Access knowledge from the experts in cocoa

Best practices

Share best practices among cocoa stakeholders


Join the CocoaNEXT virtual office to interact with other cocoa stakeholders. Not a member yet? Use this link  (never expires) to join: CocoaNEXT Virtual Office Invitation


View profiles of each country to learn about the cocoa industry activities undertaken.


Contact to get more information about CocoaNEXT