
Here you will find maps, spatial data, datasheets, and other survey resources. So, scroll away! 

Please reach out to the Count Coordinators (contact info under the Join the Count tab) if you are missing any resources you need.

Table of Contents

Overview Maps

The Cochrane CBC count area encompasses a 24-km (15-mile) wide area centred around the Gleneagles area to the east of downtown Cochrane. 

ABCO Map.pdf

ABCO Count Circle Map

This is our official count circle, as designated by Audubon and Birds Canada

Cochrane CBC Overview Map.pdf

Cochrane Count Areas

These are the count areas within our count circle


Ranche (Pink)

Includes the area east of Hwy 22, north of Hwy 1A, south of TR 567, and west of RR 33/34. This area includes Big Hill Springs PP, and the historic Cochrane Ranche.

Oxyoke (Yellow)

Includes the area east of RR 33/34, north of TR 262, north of TR 567, and east of Hwy 22. This area includes part of Bearspaw, and the Oxyoke Nature Preserve.

Bearspaw (Green)

Includes the area east of RR 34, south of TR 262, and north of Hwy 1A. This area includes the majority of Bearspaw that is in the Cochrane count circle.

Glenbow (Red)

Includes the area south of Hwy 1A, east of Glenbow Road, and the portion of the river along which it runs. This area includes Glenbow Ranch PP.

Stoney (Purple)

Includes the entire count area south of the Bow River, as well as the south side of the river between the communities of Bow Ridge and Riviera (part of River Song). This area includes all of the Cochrane communities south of the river, as well as a portion of the Stoney 142, 143, 144 native reserve.

Riverfront (Blue)

Includes the area east of Hwy 22, south of Hwy 1A, west of Glenbow Road, and north of the river. This area includes all of the river between Gleneagles and Glenbow Road. This area includes the neighbourhoods of Glenbow, Riverview, Greystone, East End, Gleneagles, Downtown, and the Industrial section.

Mitford (Aqua)

Includes the area west of Hwy 22, and north of the river. This area includes the neighbourhoods of Heritage Hills, Heartland, West Valley, West Terrace, and West Pointe. This area also includes Cochrane Lake, Horse Creek Road, a portion of Grand Valley Road., and Mitford Park.

Area Maps and Spatial Data

Download and print the map for your count area within the count circle. Maps print best as 11x17. Extra copies will be available on the count day. 

Area Maps

Spatial Data

Click here to access downloadable kmz files for each Area 


CBC Datasheet.pdf

Count Datasheet

Fill out this datasheet if surveying a count area/route

FeederWatch Datasheet.pdf

Feederwatch Datasheet

Fill out this datasheet if surveying bird feeders. Also fill out the weather datasheet.

Weather Datasheet.pdf

Weather Datasheet

Fill out this datasheet if surveying a route/count area or a bird feeder

Feeder Watch Instructions

The purpose of the feeder watcher program is to determine the highest number of each species seen on your feeders and the area around your feeding station. Your complete feeder watch observation has two parts:

Checklists without effort data cannot be accepted.

How to Count

Usually the same birds are coming and going so you will need to take a visual “snapshot” and tell us the highest number of each species you counted at a single glance during the entire observation period. Please do not add a count to one taken several minutes earlier—you are counting some of the same birds twice. If you saw 4 chickadees at 11:00 and 6 chickadees at 11:15, the count is six, not ten. In species where males and females can be easily discriminated, such as juncos and house finches, counting the sexes separately will yield more accurate results.


The observation is timed, so please record the beginning of your watch, the end point, and report your elapsed total as hrs. x where x equals a fraction of the final hour. This can be accomplished while you are doing chores, working around home, and so forth as long as you are checking and counting at regular and constant intervals. If you leave home, stop the clock. Time spent on errands away from home does not count.

Matters can get tricky in households with multiple observers and feeding areas:


Email your results to your Area Lead the afternoon of Count Day, or as soon as possible. Each household should submit only one checklist, which must include the effort data.

Information courtesy of the Concord CBC:

Other Resources

Here you will find additional resources, such as a fundraising form, summarized count instructions, the rarity form, and a vehicle sign. Extra copies of these documents will be available on the count day.

Participant Cheat Sheet.pdf

Participant Instructions

Vehicle Sign.pdf

Vehicle Sign

Support CBC.pdf

Donation Form


Rarity Form