New PPE and Routine Disinfection Protocols Arise Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Although researchers and healthcare professionals are learning new things everyday about COVID-19, there’s still a lot to learn about the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The current understanding of this deadly virus and other similar viruses such as SARS and MERS is that it can be spread from one person to another, while being in close contact with each other. While coronavirus spreads via respiratory droplets, it can also spread through infected surfaces. And therefore, all healthcare facilities, public places, personal protective equipment manufacturers should take extended precautions and measures to control the spread of COVID-19.

In the current situation, the number of positive COVID-19 cases is growing by leaps and bounds. In countries like the USA, healthcare professionals and bulk PPE suppliers in the USA are facing challenges due to the shortage of essential PPE gear, especially N95 respirators, isolation gowns, etc. Even if the chances of the spread of the coronavirus via surfaces are lower than respiratory droplets, people should take precautions when interacting with surfaces or areas that have been exposed to COVID-19.

Here are some of the must-know precautions, measures, PPE apparel that you should consider if you’re going to come in contact with people, places, or surfaces that are exposed to the virus.

Use of Appropriate PPE Gear is Essential

Protective protection equipment (PPE) is the first line of defense against COVID-19. Whether you’re a healthcare professional providing care and treatment to the infected patient or someone who is responsible for cleaning and disinfecting exposed surfaces, you should consider wearing the appropriate PPE at work. Hospitals and healthcare facilities can partner with the local personal protective equipment manufacturers or bulk PPE suppliers in the medical industry to ensure an adequate supply of PPE gear to their workplace.

No matter what your job role is, there is certain PPE apparel that you should wear when you’re coming in close contact with potentially exposed people, places, or surfaces. Wearing a high-quality protective face mask is a must. One of the most recommended protective masks being widely used is the N95 respirator, or it’s alternate, the KN95 mask in China, or the European FFP2.

This mask has been approved by the FDA. This type of mask filters at least 95% of airborne particles. N95 respirators are known as a “mechanical filter respirator”, as it protects against particulates but not against vapors or gases.

Another essential item that can protect against the virus is sterile latex gloves. As you come in close contact with different surfaces and persons that are potentially exposed to the infection, gloves can act as a barrier between you and the virus particles. You must remember to change your gloves after any time you come in close contact with someone or something exposed to the virus to keep yourself safe.

Other than these must-have items, there are several other PPE items that can protect you from COVID-19. These essential items include goggles, face shields, gowns, head coverings, and more. While some of these PPE items are not necessarily required by someone who is not coming in close contact with patients, healthcare workers should be using most of all these items as they are treating people with the virus.

Also, you must ensure that you buy PPE items from the trusted PPE suppliers in the medical industry so that you are assured of genuine and high-quality PPE items.

Proper Routine Cleaning and Disinfection of Healthcare Facilities

While healthcare facilities, hospitals, and medical centers are already aware of the proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols, it’s a good idea to revise and re-familiarize yourself with everything during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some effective tips for proper cleaning and disinfecting for COVID-19.

How to Clean and Disinfect a Facility?

While cleaning and disinfecting are crucial in the fight against COVID-19, these two processes are very different from each other.

Cleaning is an all-inclusive term that encompasses everything from mere dusting to high-power pressure cleaning. The first part of the disinfection process is to clean the potentially exposed or infected surfaces with soap and water.

While cleaning the entire facility, take extra care of objects kept at high-traffic areas such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, countertops, toilets, faucets, and washbasins.

Make Use of Proper Disinfectants

Your choice of disinfectant and delivery methods depend on the surface you plan to disinfect. Some of these options include sterile alcohol sprays, disinfecting cloth, and cleaning solutions such as Cavicide.

Although disinfecting is a part of the cleaning process, the main point of difference between the two is that some type of disinfectant solution is being used in the process. While there are several commercial disinfectants available in the market, the CDC has listed some of the approved disinfected on their official website.

How to Make Your Own Disinfectants?

You can easily make the most effective disinfectant solution by simply diluting bleach when appropriate for the surface. Using unexpired household bleach will prove to be effective against COVID-19 when diluted properly.

Here’s how you can make a bleach solution: Mix 5 tablespoons (1/3rd cup) of bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons of bleach per quarter of water. If you bleach isn’t available, you may use alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol, or IPA alcohol.

The Must-follow Procedures for Proper Cleaning and Disinfection

  1. Wear the essential PPE items including gloves, face mask, and a cleaning gown. Your selection of PPE gear should be based on the cleaning/disinfectant products being used and whether there’s a risk of accidental splashes or spills.

  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds. If soaps are not available, you may use hand sanitizer. However, if your hands are visibly dirty, it’s necessary to wash your hands using soap and water.

  3. Always remember to change used PPE regularly after cleaning an area of the facility. For instance, if you’ve finished cleaning and disinfecting a room, you should immediately dispose off the used gloves and gowns to avoid transferring the infection to another room or person unintentionally.

How to Clean and Disinfect the Different Types of Surfaces?

In order to properly disinfect a surface, you need to use the right tools for the job. Depending on the type of surface or material that you plan to disinfect, certain disinfectants may be more effective than others or not effective at all.

1. Solid, Hard, Non-porous Surfaces

If the solid surface is visibly dirty, you should first clean it using a soap or detergent and water before disinfecting. After cleaning the surface, you can now use a disinfectant like 70% alcohol to kill any leftover virus particles.

2. Soft, Porous Surfaces

For cleaning soft and porous such as carpeted floors, rugs, or drapes, you need to first clean any visible dust, dirt particles, or other residues. After cleaning the items, you can now use a disinfectant spray rather than wipes to thoroughly cover the surface. If possible, you can send the items for laundry regularly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions using the warmest appropriate water setting.

3. Electronic Gadgets

For cleaning electronics like mobile phones, tablets, touchscreens, keyboards, ATM machines, and anything that you come into contact with, you must first remove any visible dirt if it is present. As you need to protect these items from liquids, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and know the type of disinfectants you need to use. It’s good to use a disinfecting wipe to sanitize the device.

If no manufacturer guidance is available, you may use an alcohol-based wipe with at least 70% alcohol to disinfect touch screens. After wiping the devices, dry the surfaces thoroughly to prevent the pooling of liquids.

4. Clothing, Linens, and Other Items that Need to Go to Laundry

Do not shake dirty laundry in order to mitigate the risks of spreading the virus through the air. Wash items properly by following the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure to launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting and dry the surface completely. Dirty laundry that has been in contact with the infected person can be washed with other person’s items.

To clean and disinfect hampers or other carts for transporting laundry, you should follow the guidelines mentioned above for hard or soft surfaces.

How to Clean and Disinfect a Facility After a Person with COVID-19 Has Left the Place?

First, close off any areas visited by the infected person. Open the doors and windows of the room or area to ventilate the area. Wait for at least 24 hours before cleaning or disinfecting the room or area. The longer you wait the lower chances of being infected with the remnant virus.

Cleaning personnel should clean and disinfect all high-traffic areas such as offices, common areas, bathrooms, shared electronics like touch screens, keyboards, remote controls, tablets, and ATM machines used by the infected persons, paying special attention to the frequently touched surfaces.

If your patients are staying overnight, or for a duration of time in your facility, you should consider taking some additional precautions to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Refer to and follow Interim Guidance for US Institutions of Higher Education on working with state and local health officials to isolate infected patients and provide temporary housing as and when required.

In areas where ill persons are being kept in isolation, you may follow Interim Guidance for Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection for U.S. Households with Suspected or Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019. This involves focusing on cleaning and disinfecting common places where staff and others providing services may come into contact will infected persons but reducing cleaning and disinfecting bedrooms or bathrooms used by infected persons to as and when required.

You must also consider continuing routine cleaning and disinfection of areas where ill persons have visited or used. If it has been more than 7 days since the suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection are not really necessary.

Buying Effective Disinfectants & Personal Protective Equipment

If you need to buy disinfectants or personal protective equipment for healthcare facilities, hospitals, medical centers, or sanitization services, you should buy products from authorized bulk PPE suppliers in the medical industry for getting genuine and medical-grade products.

You should research thoroughly about the personal protective equipment manufacturers and PPE suppliers in the medical industry before you buy any product to avoid scams or poor-quality products.