Fast Check to PPE Kit Removal Tips to Prevent Further Contamination

Did you know the fact that 50% of healthcare and sanitation workers do not know how to correctly remove the PPE kit?

As the whole world is aware of the fact that wearing Personal Protective Equipment at hospitals and medical areas has become mandatory. So, it is equally important to know the removal techniques as well to prevent the further spread of the virus.

In general, a personal protective equipment kit acts as a protective barrier against biohazard infection of Covid-19. In a way, it controls the spread of disease from a medical representative to other individuals. Only, if it’s worn, removed, and disposed of correctly and in the right manner.

You should also know the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) and US Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) have already shared such steps for medical representatives and healthcare workers to understand the steps of donning, doffing, and disposing of.

Earlier, you have come across the different ways of donning the PPE kit. Here, you have several precautionary measures to remove it safely.

Also Read:

How to Safely & Delicately Take Off your PPE Kit?

More than just wearing the proper way of personal protective equipment, more important is to remove it safely. Especially, after you have spent many hours in a contaminated zone, treating patients having Covid-19, and providing necessary treatment to others.

1. Remove your Gloves: The first step is to remove your gloves in such a way that it does not cause additional contamination of the hands. For this, you can use a simple technique like a glove-in glove. On the other side, you can also use a bird beak way of safely removing the same.

2. Remove your Gown: Next step is to remove your gown by first untie all the ties, or if the need acquires, then break the ties quite gently. You just need to avoid a forceful movement while removing. After that, gently reach up to the shoulders and carefully pulling the gown up, roll it away, and simply throw it in the trash can.

3. Maintain Personal Hygiene: Once you have removed your gloves and gown, the next is to sanitize your hands and body properly. After that, leave the patient room.

4. Remove your Face Shield & Google: Hold the strap of the Google or Face Sheild and remove it gently. It is advised not to touch the front glass of the google or shield that has already been infected with a virus while working at the forefront.

5. Remove & Discard Respirator: Removing your mask or face respirator should also be done in a careful manner. For this, you can grasp the top strap and bring it carefully over the head, and then pull the respirator away.

6. Perform Proper Hand Hygiene: Once you have removed all the essentials of PPE, then perform hand hygiene before using another face mask or protective layer.

Final Note

Using PPE kits has become a mandate affair, even after a slight decline in the ratio of infected people. Still, it is important to safeguard self and others as well by investing in the safety products of personal protective equipment companies in the USA.

In case, you need more information on handling PPE kits and related to different procedures, then get in touch with Codefend. It is one of the pioneers Bulk PPE suppliers that offer high-quality and protective safety gear for medical professionals and frontline workers.