Tutorial's Schedule

Melbourne, VIC, Australia

July 16, 2022

Gathering 8:30 - 9:00

9:00 - 10:45

SESSION 1: Oligodendrocyte modeling

Coordinator: Jeremie Lefebvre, University of Ottawa (Canada)

9:00 - 09:45

Modeling adaptive myelination and its effects on oscillatory synchrony using the Kuramoto network model

Daniel Park, University of Ottawa (Canada)

10:00 - 10:45

Activity-dependent myelination as a regulator of axonal conduction velocity

Afroditi Talidou, University of Ottawa (Canada)

Coffee Break 10:45 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:45

SESSION 2: Modelling astrocytic calcium dynamics in the soma or thin branchlets

Hugues Berry, INRIA Lyon Research Center (France)

Lunch 12:45 - 14:30

14:30 - 16:15

SESSION 3: The Tripartite Synapse and the modeling of neuron-glial networks

Maurizio De Pitta, Krembil Research Institute (Canada)

Break 16:15 - 16:30

16:30 - 18:30

SESSION 4: Ionostasis at the tripartite synapse

Coordinator: Liam McDaid, University of Ulster (Northern Ireland, UK)
Speaker: Marinus Toman, University of Uster (Northern Ireland, UK)