Welcome. Here you will find links to the IDEAS data set, comprising MRI scans from 442 individuals with epilepsy, along with 100 healthy controls.
Detailed demographic and metadata information is also provided.
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Raw T1w and FLAIR scans organised in BIDS format. Nifti and json descriptors included
Resection masks for IDEAS cohort in native, and freesurfer orig.mgz space
Freesurfer thickness, volume, and surface areas for the Desikan-Kiliany parcellation.
If you use this data please cite the following publication:
Taylor, P.N., Wang, Y., Simpson, C., Janiukstyte, V., Horsley, J., Leiberg, K., Little, B., Clifford, H., Adler, S., Vos, S.B. and Winston, G.P., McEvoy, A.W., Miserocchi, A., de Tisi, J., Duncan, J.S., 2024. The Imaging Database for Epilepsy And Surgery (IDEAS). Epilepsia. https://doi.org/10.1111/epi.18192
Poster presented at AES2024, Los Angeles.
Visualise the IDEAS data against a normative reference
You may want to compare the outputs from IDEAS to a larger normative dataset. If so, you may find the following tool useful: https://cnnplab.shinyapps.io/BrainMoNoCle/