
Computational Neurology, Neuroscience & Psychiatry Lab

22nd January - Upcoming event!

North East Epilepsy Research Meeting

This year we will be hosting the meeting in collaboration with the CloseNIT network at The Boiler House, Newcastle University on March 6 and 7. 
A full programme will follow soon under Events, but we already have two excellent speakers confirmed:
The meeting is free to attend. Please register here if you intend to do so: https://forms.office.com/e/My3dHCeJht
Registration will close on February 21st.

12 November 2024 - Updates

We are pleased to share a range of recent publications. This includes a review of the literature on vagus nerve stimulation, and research into the surgical resection of dMRI abnormalities. Take a look at the publications page for more info.

We are also excited to be heading to the AES conference in LA this year, where we will be presenting posters and giving talks.  Come say hello if you're around!

24 June 2024 - Updates

We currently have adverts live for positions to work with us.

The first is as a research assistant/associate. Further info here: https://jobs.ncl.ac.uk/job/Newcastle-Research-AssistantAssociate-in-Computational-Neurology/1084260101/

The second is as early career faculty (equivalent to Asst. Prof). Info here:


Informal enquiries are welcome

25 May 2024 - Updates

Last month, CNNP lab members visited Chalfont's Epilepsy Centre, along with our collaborators at UCL. Informative talks on current work were given by both teams, and we toured the venue, including the MRI facilities. 

Additionally, we had an artist taking notes, who translated them into a record of the day for us. It was a fantastic event, and we are grateful for the opportunity to go on such trips! 

26 Feb 2024 - Updates

We are pleased to introduce two new lab members who joined us in the New Year, George and Leonardo. There are exciting times ahead as our team continues to grow!

Since the last update, many of our members have finished research papers across various topics, check the Publications tab to see our recent works. Congratulations all! 

Lastly, the lab enjoyed a wonderful Christmas meal in December, where we took a rare lab photo involving (almost!) everyone.

7 Dec 2023 - Updates 

We are delighted to share that Tom and Mariella have completed their PhDs and passed their vivas. They have now moved on to applying their data science knowledge in jobs at the NHS and Coca-Cola respectively. Well done both!

Since the last update, we hosted the Computational Neurology event. We had around 100 registered attendees from a range of diverse backgrounds. Thank you to all who made it possible. 

Finally, we are thrilled to share that we will be doing a strong recruitment drive in the new year. We are expecting to have several open positions at PhD, PDRA, Lecturer, and Senior Lecturer available. Get in touch if you're interested in joining us!

26 Sep 2023 - New papers

We are pleased to share several new papers, either preprints or published. These include : "Identifying epileptogenic abnormalities through spatial clustering of MEG interictal band power" published in Epilepsia Open, and "Intracranial EEG Structure-Function Coupling and Seizure Outcomes After Epilepsy Surgery", which was featured on the cover of Neurology.

Check the publications tab for a more complete list!

28 Apr 2023 - Event in Newcastle

We would like to invite you to a meeting we are organising: "Computational neurology in epilepsy: data science for clinical researchers". During the meeting, we will provide skills training on computational & statistical techniques for epilepsy research, including live code demos.

The meeting will be immediately after the ILAE British Chapter meeting in October. See link for details: https://conferences.ncl.ac.uk/ilae/datascience/ 

4 Oct 2022 - New lab members & papers

We are delighted to welcome two new PhD students to the lab. Csaba and Nathan are both funded by the Newcastle ERUK CDT, and will be performing research using computational methods applied to epilepsy data. Welcome to the team!

We are also pleased to share several new papers/preprints. Be sure to check the publications page for the latest information.

17 Mar 2022 - Latest publication

We are delighted to share our latest work which has now been published in it's final form here: https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awab380 

We have also shared code and data to reproduces figures here: https://zenodo.org/record/5500400 

If you are interested to hear more we will be presenting this (hopefully in person) at the following meetings in summer 2022: OHBM, EEC, ICTALS. Feel free to drop by and say hello!

6th Oct 2021 - Updates

We are delighted to welcome three new PhD students to the lab. Callum, Vyte and Heather all join us for the next few years. Welcome to the team!

We are also currently looking to recruit a postdoc. The advert can be found here: https://t.co/WgLvbobUFD . Get in touch if you're interested in working with us! 

8th Sept 2021 - Updates

We are delighted to announce that Yujiang has been awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship to investigate fluctuations in seizure activity over time within individual patients.

This also means that there will be several open positions at PhD and postdoc level in the lab. More details will be announced soon, but if you are interested in working with us get in touch!

In other recent news, Gabrielle has passed her PhD viva with minor corrections and will continue working with us as a PDRA. Congrats Gabrielle!

17th May 2021 - Updates

Lots to update on in the last weeks.  Nishant and Nádia both passed their PhD vivas.  Well done!

Adverts are now live for recruitment of one postdoc and one PhD student

We are delighted to welcome Sarah Gascoine, a new PhD student starting in the lab this month. Welcome Sarah!

We also  uploaded a couple of new papers: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.02805 and https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.04643 

8th Jan 2021 - Happy New Year!

Many new updates have accumulated. We have several papers published by Nishant, Tom, and Yujiang (congrats!), and also one new preprint from Mariella. Checkout our publications page.

We are also still recruiting, see below.

24th Sept 2020 - Funded PhD & PDRA positions

We are delighted to have been awarded funding for several PhD and postdoc positions in the lab over the next four years. Positions will involve the analysis of brain networks in the context of epilepsy surgery. More details will be announced soon, but if you are interested in working with us get in touch!

16th July 2020 - New preprint

We are pleased to share our latest preprint using high dimensional statistical analysis to uncover relationships between epilepsy duration and MRI metrics. You can find a link to the paper here:

Multivariate white matter alterations are associated with epilepsy duration

6th July 2020 - New publication

Nádia's latest work as now been published in NeuroImage: Clinical, where she investigates postoperative structural brain network changes in epilepsy. You can find a link to the paper here:

Network reorganisation following anterior temporal lobe resection and relation with post-surgery seizure relapse: a longitudinal study.

5th July 2020 - New publication

We are delighted to share our latest work, which investigates the reliability of structural covariance networks. We make several specific  suggestions to ensure mor reproducible findings. Link to the published paper here in NeuroImage: Reliability and comparability of human brain structural covariance networks

We have also shared the source code here:  https://github.com/cnnp-lab/2019Carmon-ReliabityComparabilityStructuralCovariance

29th June 2020 - New publication

We are delighted to share our latest work using intracranial EEG to predict seizure freedom after surgery using data from 55 patients. Link to the published paper here in Epilepsia: Interictal intracranial electroencephalography for predicting surgical success: The importance of space and time. 

We have also shared the source code and data here: https://zenodo.org/record/3837441

11th June 2020 - New publications

Nadia's paper "Investigating Brain Network Changes and Their Association With Cognitive Recovery After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Analysis" has now been published, along with code and data here: https://zenodo.org/record/3824190

We are also delighted to contribute to the ENIGMA Epilepsy review, recently published in Human Brain Mapping "The ENIGMA‐Epilepsy working group: Mapping disease from large data sets" available here: https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25037

2nd June 2020 - New team members and new/updated preprints

First of all, we are delighted to have Jonny and Karoline joining the CNNP team as new PhD students. Welcome!

We also have some new and updated preprints. Chris has released a preprint on "Band power modulation through intracranial EEG stimulation and its cross-session consistency". Jona has also updated his preprint on "Reliability and comparability of human brain structural covariance networks".

5th May 2020 - New publications, new team member

Gabrielle's work on slow changes of seizure pathways within individual patients has now appeared in PNAS, congrats Gabrielle! The code and data are also available on Zenodo.

We also have released a new preprint on "Independent components of human brain morphology".

We are also very happy to have Frances back in the team. Welcome again, Frances!

17th Jan 2020 - New paper

Our latest work on traumatic brain injury is now online here: https://n.neurology.org/content/94/10/e1021 source code and data can be found here: https://zenodo.org/record/3593087

15th Jan 2020 - Software update

Happy New Year! Just a small update. Over the break Tobias Ludwig has kindly updated our matlab pipeline to extract cortical folding features from Freesurfer for lobe-level analysis. This can be found on the lab github: https://github.com/cnnp-lab/CorticalFoldingAnalysisTools

4th Dec 2019 - Preprint, paper, and congratulations to Joe!

Some good news have accumulated over the last couple of months. Jona, our exceptional intern student, has wrapped up his project and released a preprint.

Then we have two pieces of great news from Joe: his paper on qT1 has been published in Bipolar Disorder, and he has also successfully passed his viva, and completed his corrections. Congratulations Dr. Necus!

4th Oct 2019 - New software released

Thanks to our talented intern Tobias Ludwig, we have now finalised our matlab pipeline to extract cortical folding features from Freesurfer for public release. Version 1.0 can be found on the lab github: https://github.com/cnnp-lab/CorticalFoldingAnalysisTools

The current version is for the analysis of whole-hemisphere features. We will release the pipeline for the lobe-level analysis soon.

11th July 2019 - New interns and visitor

We are very happy to welcome our new interns to the lab: Tobias Ludwig, Tom Atkinson, and Ruby Scarlett.

Also, our longterm collaborator Prof Bruno Mota is visiting us for a couple of weeks. Feel free to drop by and say hi!

8th June 2019 - New preprint

We are very happy to announce that Gabrielle's first paper is now online as a pre-print:

Slow changes in seizure pathways in individual patients with focal epilepsy

Comments and suggestions are of course welcome!

1st June 2019 - New lab website

The CNNP Lab finally has an official website!

We will now update this website regularly with news and content.