CNHC - A Healing Place

Join our next free counseling and Prayer Session


A Christian church that focuses heavily on teaching the Bible, Christian theology & philosophy, morality, Jesus' first early ministry, history of the church, faith, herbology, & spirituality


 Located in MD Send us a letter: PO Box 5932 Bethesda, MD 20814



⛪: 240-308-8263

Welcome To Our Church Community! 

We are so excited you found our church! We are a church that welcomes everyone! We believe in individuality, we practice religious tolerance, we are against any kind of violence including domestic violence, and we believe that all human beings were created equal. Women and men are equal and everyone has the right to be themselves and express themselves. There is a place for everyone in this world. God created us all with a purpose and you have a right to live out your greatest dreams.

Our goal here is to create a community where people feel comfortable being themselves and expressing themselves. We want to help guide you all to find yourselves and a community that makes you feel happy and good inside. The church is meant to guide, teach, and lead society and this generation to a better future where people treat one another with respect, honor one another, live in a godly humanitarian way, and help and love one another. 

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." - John 15:12

"Do everything in love." - Corinthians 16:14

Our church is small, but we hope to have a global impact. We hope to reach people around the world and introduce them to a community that will stay with them their whole lives and help them meet people who will serve as family for them and accept them as they are. We encourage you to follow our church, but if our church is not for you, that is perfectly okay. Despite what many people believe, Christianity is not singular. Each Christian you meet will have different beliefs and religious practices. There are also many different Christian denominations. This is normal because we are all unique human beings. Our church encourages you to keep that uniqueness and use it to guide you where you are supposed to be. 

God made your path, you simply need to listen to what is inside of you to find your destiny. We hope to help guide you along the way as you stumble and fall. We hope to help lift you up by encouraging you in your faith, by teaching you God's word, and by educating you on the great saints, angels, Bible stories, faith healing and herbology, Christian theology, religious holidays, famous Christian philosophers like Immanuel Kant & Thomas Aquinas, and much more.  

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." - Psalm 32:8

You can watch our sermons online, hear our prayer services, join us for a Biblical lesson and discussion on our church Facebook page on Sundays, and join us on Zoom for free pastoral counseling and prayer sessions to talk about the stress, worries, and pain you are currently experiencing. We will pray for you together with other members of our community and help guide you to grow spiritually and emotionally. There is nothing God can't do and there is no limit to His healing capabilities. You are also welcome to have a private one-on-one counseling and prayer session with one of our church members if you prefer. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

We look forward to having you all here and welcome to the family!

You can watch our educational videos and church sermons and prayer services, as well as learn about the Bible, Christian holidays, and the powerful benefits of anointing the body with herbs, plants, flower essences, and oils as Jesus did via our YouTube Channel: CNHC A Healing Place

📌 Subscribe to our monthly health letter to learn about Ancient Teachings, to hear about the ancient ways and learn about the benefits of various plants, herbs, and essential oils, and to learn about the many ways you can use these botanicals to help improve your body naturally❗ 

Follow us on Pinterest to see beautiful, vibrant religious content and learn Bible verse, prayers, and Christian poems!