Central Student Sierra Club

Welcome to the Sierra Club at

Central Michigan University!

Regardless of individual members’ political beliefs, the Central Student Sierra Club is dedicated to the preservation and responsible enjoyment of Mount Pleasant’s, Michigan’s, and all the earth’s natural places. The Central Student Sierra Club’s mission is to expand our understanding of conservation and the natural world by exploring the untamed wild, inform community and government representatives on environmental issues, and carry out actions necessary to create a more sustainable world, through peaceful active citizenry and service to our community.

Core activities of this organization include:

1) Volunteer work dedicated to preserving natural spaces such as parks, reserves, etc.

2) Engaging in political activity such as marches, protests, writing to, and meeting with government officials to promote the welfare of the environment.

3)Taking trips to different natural areas across Michigan and the United States

Look at our Engage Central page!!

And follow us on Social Media!!