4.4 Radio

app.background = 'whiteSmoke'

volume = Star(200, 210, 100, 10, fill='gold', opacity=30)

Rect(100, 85, 200, 50, fill=None, border='dimGray', borderWidth=10)

radio = Rect(30, 120, 335, 200, fill='indianRed')

radio.switchedOn = False

Rect(60, 185, 90, 100, fill='fireBrick')

Rect(250, 185, 90, 100, fill='fireBrick')

Rect(175, 185, 50, 100, fill='fireBrick')

Rect(100, 135, 200, 30, fill='gainsboro', border='dimGray')

Circle(105, 235, 35, fill='gray', border=rgb(60, 60, 60))

Circle(295, 235, 35, fill='gray', border=rgb(60, 60, 60))

# buttons

powerButton = Circle(80, 150, 10, fill='fireBrick')

topButton = Rect(190, 205, 20, 20, fill=rgb(45, 45, 45), border='grey',


bottomButton = Rect(190, 245, 20, 20, fill=rgb(45, 45, 45), border='grey',


songType = Label('', 200, 150, size=15)

def onMousePress(mouseX, mouseY):

    # Code the behavior in the solution canvas.

    ### (HINT: We've defined a few global variables, and one custom property

    #          that will be useful.)

    ### Place Your Code Here ###'


    if powerButton.fill == 'fireBrick':

        powerButton.fill = 'mediumAquamarine'



    elif topButton.hits(mouseX,mouseY):

        songType.value = 'Quiet Piano'

        powerButton.fill = 'mediumAquamarine'

        volume.radius = 200


    elif bottomButton.hits(mouseX,mouseY):

        songType.value = 'Loud rock'

        powerButton.fill = 'mediumAquamarine' 

        volume.radius = 240

