3.4 Flashlight in the woods

app.background = gradient('black', 'midnightBlue')

# hills

Polygon(0, 400, 0, 235, 280, 210, 400, 230, 400, 400, fill=rgb(0, 60, 0))

Polygon(0, 275, 170, 285, 400, 260, 400, 400, 0, 400, fill='darkOliveGreen')

Polygon(0, 400, 0, 330, 240, 310, 400, 325, 400, 400, fill='olive')

def drawTree(x, y):

    Rect(x, y, 30, 200, fill='sienna', align='center')

    RegularPolygon(x, y + 20, 50, 3, fill='forestGreen')

    RegularPolygon(x, y - 20, 50, 3, fill='forestGreen')

    RegularPolygon(x, y - 60, 50, 3, fill='forestGreen')

    RegularPolygon(x, y - 100, 50, 3, fill='forestGreen')

Circle(55, 110, 10, fill='sienna')

Circle(55, 110, 8, fill='tan')

Line(56, 105, 61, 114, dashes=(2, 3))

RegularPolygon(54, 110, 3, 3, fill='grey')

drawTree(200, 160)

drawTree(120, 280)

drawTree(290, 200)

drawTree(30, 220)

drawTree(380, 300)

flashlight = Circle(200, 200, 550, fill=None, border='black', borderWidth=500,


def onMouseMove(mouseX, mouseY):

    # Move the flashlight with the mouse.

    ### Place Your Code Here ###

    flashlight.centerX = mouseX

    flashlight.centerY = mouseY



def onMousePress(mouseX, mouseY):

    # Whenever the mouse is pressed, change the flashlight's size.

    ### (HINT: Increase the flashight radius by 20. If it gets larger than

    #          600, reset the radius to its original value.)

    ### Place Your Code Here ###



    if flashlight.radius >= 591:

        flashlight.radius = 550
