
Version 3.0, December 2020

CMP 2006. Conservation Audit Protocol. The Conservation Measures Partnership. Draft Version 1.0. November 2006.

CMP 2013. The Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation. Version 3.0. Available from:

Muir 2010. Are we measuring conservation effectiveness? A survey of current results-based management practices in the conservation community. Unpublished report. CMP.

O'Neill 2007. Conservation Audits: Auditing the Conservation Process--Lessons Learned, 2003 – 2007. Prepared by Elizabeth O'Neill for the Conservation Measures Partnership. July 2007.

O'Neill et. al 2012. Resources for Implementing the WWF Project & Programme Standards: Step 5.3--Evaluation Guidelines (with TOR outline). November 2012.

Redford et. al 2014. Summative Evaluation of Conservation Measures Partnership and Conservation Coaches Network to Strengthen Results-Based Management in Conservation. 2014. Kent H.Redford, M.W. Schwartz and K. Hulvey.

Stewart 2016. Conservation Capability Maturity Model: A model for assessing organisational performance and identifying potential improvements. Annette Stewart - Fulbright Scholarship 2016.

Stewart 2016. Open Standards support for business performance and reporting: Outlining a range of tools for improving performance and reporting of conservation organisations. Annette Stewart - Fulbright Scholarship 2016.

TNC 2005. TNC audit framework. TNC’s Conservation Audit Protocol. Version: DRAFT – June 2005

WWF 2005. WWF Conservation Programme Audit Tool.

WWF year unk. OS Self Assessment Tool. Link found under Step 5.3 here: