Multidimensional Tunneling Calculations

Project: Multidimensional Tunneling Calculations: Exploring New Reactivity Paradigms to Drive Chemical Transformations 

Principal Investigator: Cláudio M. Nunes       

High Performance Computing Platform: Navigator, LCA-UCoimbra

Resources Awarded:  2023.10449.CPCA, 1.3 M CPU core.hours

Funding:  Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA) 


In a previous preparatory advanced computing project [TUNCHEM], we implemented computational tools [POLYRATE software:  https://comp.chem.umn.edu/polyrate] to calculate reaction rates with multidimensional tunneling effects and performed benchmarks against experimental results of selected QMT reaction models. Herein, we propose the application of multidimensional tunneling calculations to bring new key understandings on fundamental aspects of QMT reactivity. Investigations will be performed to select reactions that allow addressing the uncharted pure thermally activated QMT regime. We will also adresss investigations to decipher primary H/D kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) under QMT reactivity and their limitations to assess QMT contributions, and probe the role solvation effects can have on QMT reactivity. 

Chronology and Milestones 

07.24  Our TUNCHEM2 project start today!