
Gender Relations & Banana Cultivation

Men and women possess different types of agricultural knowledge based on their roles within the agricultural division of labor. They also prefer different traits in the bananas that they to cultivate based on the banana-related products that they produce.  My collaboration with Bioversity International on this Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Breeding Better Bananas (BBB) project focuses on understanding the gendered nature of banana trait preferences and evaluating how end users (farmers) assess new banana hybrids created by BBB scientists.

As a member of the evaluation team, I have co-authored a number of data collection tools administered in banana-cultivating communities in Uganda and Tanzania.

Crichton, R.; Ainembabazi, J.H.; Caron, C.; Van den Bergh, I. (2017) Tools for understanding the agricultural production systems and their socio-economic context in target regions for the introduction of new banana cultivars: baseline intra-household survey. Montpellier (France): Bioversity International, 27p.

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Crichton, R.; Albertson, E.; Caron, C.; Van den Bergh, I. (2018) Tools for understanding the agricultural production systems and their socio-economic context in target regions for the introduction of new banana cultivars: Weekly & daily calendar focus group discussion. Montpellier (France): Bioversity International. 12 p.

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Crichton, R.; Albertson, E.; Caron, C.; Van den Bergh, I. (2018) Tools for understanding the agricultural production systems and their socio-economic context in target regions for the introduction of new banana cultivars: Seasonal calendar focus group discussion. Montpellier (France): Bioversity International. 14 p.

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This article analyzes gender-differentiated trait preferences:

Marimo, P., C. Caron, I. van den Bergh, R. Crichton, E. Weltzien, R. Ortiz, and R. Tumuhimbise. 2020 “Gender and Trait preferences for banana cultivation and use in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Review.” Economic Botany, p. 1-16