
Caron, Cynthia M. 2021. Customary law, norms, practices and other factors that enable and constrain women’s access to housing, land and property (HLP) in South Sudan: A Desk Review. Juba, South Sudan: International Organization for Migration (IOM). 38 pp.

Marimo, P., C. Caron, I. van den Bergh, R. Crichton, E. Weltzien, R. Ortiz, and R. Tumuhimbise. 2020. “Gender and Trait preferences for banana cultivation and use in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Literature Review.” Economic Botany, p. 1-16

Onzere S., N. Elwell, E. Carr, C. Caron, and D. Bebbington. 2020. “Who’s Governing Community Forests? Gendered Participation in Liberian Forest Management.” Working Paper. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.

Borges-Mendez, R. and C. Caron. 2019. “Decolonizing Resilience: The case of reconstructing the coffee region of Puerto Rico after Hurricanes Irma and Maria.Journal of Extreme Events 6(1): 1-19.

Caron, Cynthia M. 2019. “Hosting as shelter during displacement: Considerations for research and practice.” Journal of International Humanitarian Action 4:5, 1-13.

Caron, Cynthia M. 2018. Pursuing gender-transformative change in customary tenure systems: civil society work in Zambia.” Development in Practice 28(7): 872-883.

Caron, Cynthia M. 2018. “Creating the ‘Girl Effect’: including boys and men to promote girls’ land and asset ownership.” Progress in Development Studies 18(4): 223-234.

Consultant Deliverable: USAID. 2018 Pakistan Country Profile - Property Rights and Resource Governance. Washington, DC.: USAID.

Caron, C. and S. Fenner. 2017. “Forest Access and Polycentric Governance in Zambia’s Eastern Province: insights for REDD+.” International Forestry Review 19(3): 265-277.

Caron, Cynthia. 2017. “Hosting the displaced – and being hosted.” Forced Migration Review 55: 56-58.

Caron, Cynthia. 2016. The subject of return: land and livelihood struggles for place and citizenship. Contemporary South Asia 24(4): 387-399.

Consultant Deliverable: USAID. 2016. Fact Sheet: Land Tenure and Women’s Empowerment. Washington, DC: USAID.

Caron, Cynthia M. and Shelby A. Margolin. 2015. “Rescuing girls, investing in girls: A critique of development fantasies.Journal of International Development 27(7): 881-897.

Caron, C., G. Menon and L. Kuritz. 2014. Land Tenure & Disasters: Strengthening and Clarifying Land Rights in Disaster Risk Reduction and Post-Disaster Programming. USAID Issue Brief. Washington, DC: USAID.

Knox, A., C. Caron, J. Miner and A. Goldstein. 2011. Land Tenure and Payment for Environmental Services: Challenges and Opportunities for REDD+.” Land Tenure Journal 2: 18-55.

Wittman, Hannah K and Cynthia M. Caron. 2009. “Carbon Offsets and Inequality: Social Costs and Co-Benefits in Guatemala and Sri Lanka.” Society and Natural Resources 22(8): 710-726.

Caron, Cynthia M. and Dia DaCosta. 2007. “There’s a Devil on Wayamba Beach: Social Dramas of Development and Citizenship in Northwest Sri Lanka.” Journal of Asian and African Studies 42(5): 415-445.

Caron, Cynthia M. 2002. “Examining Alternatives: The Energy Services Delivery Project in Sri Lanka.” Energy for Sustainable Development 6(1): 38-46.

Caron, CM. 1995. The role of nontimber tree products in food procurement strategies: Profile of a Sri Lankan village.” Agroforestry Systems 32(2): 99-117.