After updating to Big Sur, I am unable to compile anything with cmake. I re-installed the command line tools (xcode-select --install) and updated cmake (brew upgrade cmake). When running cmake -S ./ -B ./bin -G "Unix Makefiles" i get the output:

I'm diving back into C++ and I've installed SDL2 via homebrew(Mac package installer) and kept running into issues about linking. I downloaded the files via their website, put them in frameworks dir and everything works with the FindSDL2.cmake file I've added.

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Thing is I want to be able to use the packages I've installed via brew. It's bothering me. Do any Mac users have this same problem? I've heard it's because CMake looks for .framework and noticed that is how the folder in Frameworks dir is called--SDL2.framework

Error: "config" scripts exist outside your system or Homebrew directories. ./configure scripts often look for *-config scripts to determine if software packages are installed, and what additional flags to use when compiling and linking.

Having additional scripts in your path can confuse software installed via Homebrew if the config script overrides a system or Homebrew provided script of the same name. We found the following "config" scripts:

Error: Unbrewed .pc files were found in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig. If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

In case others see this thread - on an intel mac there never was an issue with qtwebengine in qt5 - it gets installed by default with the rest of the qt in homebrew (qtwebengine is however missing on M1 macs in qt5).

On M1 Macs, homebrew package manager installs software and libraries under /opt folder. It seems that clang that comes with XCode is not able to recognize this path so each time I compile my program against a particular library, I need to specify the library path using compiler's appropriate flag.

Homebrew is a package manager for OS X, which has become very popular in recent years. The homebrew-core repository provides more than 3,500 packages. There are multiple other repositories, like homebrew-science, where you can find tools from the Kitware ecosystem such as the Visualization Toolkit (VTK), the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK), and Paraview.

Most formulas have install options. The list of options can be found using the brew info [package name] command. While the bottles come with the most sensible options pre-selected, you may want to recompile the package locally with other options. There are few package managers that allow such flexibility!

One of the most frequently used commands is the brew update command. This command will fetch the latest changes from the Git repositories and update all the formulas. The brew upgrade command will remove older packages and install the newest versions.

Once you are happy with your changes, you may want to share your work. To do so, just fork the right Homebrew Git repository, and submit a pull request. Make sure to read the contributing guidelines carefully before making a submission. There are no specific maintainers for the packages; anybody can make a change. That being said, changes do need to be merged by one of the main Homebrew maintainers.

The first two main package managers on Mac were Fink (apt-based) and MacPorts. Homebrew was released in 2009, and it has grown at a steady pace since then. I will not make a comparison between the three package managers, as each of these has advantages and disadvantages. I will, however, list some advantages of Homebrew.

Homebrew has organically grown in a very open nature. All of the source code for Homebrew is hosted on GitHub, and everybody is free to participate. The success of Homebrew may also be linked to the success of GitHub. People are used to employing open pull requests on GitHub for their favorite open-source projects. This familiarity has facilitated the update of Homebrew, as the workflow is the same.

In addition, Homebrew does not need to run commands with Sudo. The logic here is that you should be able to install whatever application or library you want without compromising the security of your Mac. This is why Homebrew installs everything to /usr/local/ . (You can select a different location, however, if you choose). No files will be installed outside of the Homebrew prefix. Also, this folder is already in your PATH.

In fact, the above-mentioned headers are not there. After some googling I managed to modify the Qt5GuiConfigExtras.cmake file to point it to the direction where I could locate those header files and it seems to find all Qt related packages but it ends up in a new error:

Hello Heimo,

Important: Commands normally require root rights. Please read these instructions first.

First of all - the script was not invented by GS, but comes from the homebrew website. What is homebrew? It is a package manager for macOS/Linux. To make it work, you have to install the Xcode command line tools first. You can see how to do this here:


Then firstĀ 

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL )"

Then execute this command

/opt/homebrew/bin/brew install cmake protobuf rust python@3.10 git wget

This installs all the components required by the AI. The experienced Linux/Unix user will see that the homebrew directory is created in the root directory. Therefore, either log in as root beforehand or prefix all commands with sudo (superuser do). The system will then ask for the admin password before the first execution.

Brew can also be installed alternatively via a pkg. installer.

nloptr can be quite picky when it comes to cmake - Which version of cmake do you have in /usr/local/bin (cmake --version) ? On my Mac I have cmake 3.23.3 and this works quite well allowing be to build nloptr 2.0.3 successfully from sources.

"Only" reason for nloptr to actually need cmake is if it cannot find any installation of nlopt on your system - in such a case nloptr needs to not only build the R package but also build the nloptsoftware that nloptr provides an interface for.

If the Terminal is enabled for x86_64 ("Use with Rosetta" box checked" and there is NO previous Homebrew installed in the native arm64 Mac, this may work. The problem I had was that I had apreviously installed Homebrew which goes into /opt/homebrew space and sets "HOMEBREW_PREFIX: /opt/homebrew " and matching "PATH" locations. This apparently confuses the depthai installation scripts which installs another homebrew stack in "/usr/local/homebrew" space but does not completely configure the default paths . Execute "% brew config" to see your default path settings. While I have NOT yet followed these instructions, check out the #macos for posts by whab which uses a virtual environment: .

Thanks for writing the install steps. I ran into the following error while running the cmake ..

The depthai-core/CMakeLists.txt and depthai-core/shared directory didn't get created.

Can you suggest a solution? Thank you.

I am trying to migrate from a working DepthAI/OAK-D on an older (X86-based) MacBook to a new (M1 Max-based) MacBook. Using the standard (and naive, in retrospect) migration approach left me with nothing working, due to several issues, including Python locations and versions, non-functional Homebrew, etc. I think I've got all issues resolved, except for the lack of M1 native DepthAI. Based on this discussion thread and the DepthAI documentation, I seem to have 3 options I can: (1) run the X86 DepthAI using Rosetta; (2) build the M1 native wheels; (3) wait for Luxonis to produce the M1 native wheels.

That cmakelists.txt works as expected over here. What version of OS X are you on? Also, I would start by `brew update`, `brew remove boost cmake`, `brew install boost cmake` to make sure nothing funky is going on with your installs.

Recent changes with the homebrew boost formula removed python from being built by default. You will have to manually brew install boost --with-python or brew reinstall boost --with-python . See -infrastructure...

I was going to take a stab at building IfcOpenShell from source on a Mac, but just wanted to check if anyone else has done this. On a quick glance, I've already found I'll need to find some alternate sources to build the dependencies (it doesn't look like all of them are on homebrew), so I was just curious if this has been done successfully before.

Yep @Moult , I was trying to build for contributing, but ran into a snag at the tail end with my favorite compilation error: undefined symbol for architecture x86_64, which is happening when linking IfcConvert and `IfcGeomServer. I might not have the correct boost libraries installed (I've got whatever's the latest from brew, which is v1.76.0).

It was more involved when I also wanted the full PythonOCC support. That took some attempts, especially once homebrew updated opencascade beyond the latest supported version known to PythonOCC and removed the previous version completely.

then build and test as usual.This is necessary because at this time the OpenSSL world is gradually transitioning from OpenSSL 1.1 to 3,and Homebrew uses subdirectory to isolate the OpenSSL installs.CMake does not recursively search as that would in general not have a stopping condition and at least significantly slow down the search performance.

As part of Homebrew ( ) we are trying to build Gromacs 2021.2 with cmake 3.20.2 (gromacs 2021.2 by chenrui333Ā  Pull Request #76819Ā  Homebrew/homebrew-coreĀ  GitHub). We are seeing the following build failure:

We are seeing this same error with both gromacs 2021.1 and 2021.2, with both gcc 10.3.0 and gcc 11.1.0. The build for gromacs 2021.1 was previously working, but it was with an earlier version of cmake. So, we suspect that this is a cmake incompatibility issue.

Depending on the SUMO features you want to enable during compilation, you may want to additional libraries. Most libraries are available in homebrew and should be recognized with CMake. Here is what you need to prepare some more features such as libsumo and the testing environment: 006ab0faaa

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