

Recent & Upcoming Events

3rd Annual Halloween Party

Club Meetings

Our club meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.  Fellowship starts at Noon, meeting 12:30pm - 1:30pm at Malu Cafe & Bakery in Boquete

Club Socials

We have quarterly socials "Purely Social" so we have dedicated time for fellowship

Club Calendar

Calendar of Events

Recent Rotary Events

Toma de Posesion

Enjoy this 5 minute video showing the highlights of the 2024 Toma de Posesion for Club Rotario de Boquete!

Holiday Party 2023

Club Rotario de Boquete partnered with Amigos de Animales de Boquete to host a student Holiday Party at 3 Boquete area public schools.  Club Rotario de Boquete provided drinks and other snacks in addition to volunteer assistance to over 200 children!

Toma de Posesion 2023-2024

Our biggest event of the Rotary year!  Each Rotary year we inaugurate the new Club Rotario de Boquete Officers and Board and thank last year's Board and Officers for their service

 2023 Panama National Rotary Convention

Rotarians from across Panama get together in fellowship, for training,  and to learn about plans for the new Rotary year