
學生預約/Appointment SOP (1對1輔導)

Appointment Process:

Step 1. Schedule: Please schedule your appointment 48 hours in advance on the platform.

Step 2. Fill out the Appointment Form: Provide basic information and clearly describe your inquiry.

Step 3. Confirmation Email: Within 24 hours, you will receive a confirmation email from our team, confirming the time/location/consultation topic.


1. Please wait for confirmation from our team. Submitting the form does not guarantee an appointment.

2. When there is schedule clash to your appointment, we will ask you to reschedule the session.

Consultation Day Protocol:

Please check the following before entering the consultation session:

✔️ I have confirmed the time/location/consultation method with the team via email.

✔️ I have prepared all necessary materials for the consultation.

✔️(Online) My computer's headset, microphone, and camera are functioning properly, and there are no technical issues.

✔️ (Online) Internet connection is stable.

✔️ (Online) The environment is conducive to learning, with no distractions or interruptions.