Help us grow

Your tax-deductible donation helps us fulfill our mission to support students and educators within the Clinton Prairie community.

investing in the future

"The Clinton Prairie School Corporation is committed to providing an environment built by strong tradition for our students, including well-rounded educational opportunities, secure and modern facilities, and the desire to make a difference within and beyond the Prairie community."

Whether you are a Clinton Prairie graduate, parent, grandparent, former teacher, employer or community member committed to public education, the Clinton Prairie School Foundation offers many opportunities for involvement. We invite you to join us in our pursuit of academic excellence in the Clinton Prairie community! Your contributions of time, treasure, or talent can make a positive impact on our students and our community at large.

For more information or to learn how you can help make a difference, please contact us!

Our Mission

"The Clinton Prairie School Foundation promotes academic excellence in the Clinton Prairie School community by supporting educational opportunities for students and educators."

Our Vision

"The Clinton Prairie School Foundation will be a catalyst for the community in the educational development and success of Clinton Prairie students ensuring the development of productive citizens."

Our History

For many years, public institutions like hospitals, libraries, and universities relied on public foundations to raise funds and support programs to promote the goals and mission of those institutions. On October 5, 1999, a group of community leaders formed the Clinton Prairie School Foundation to support our schools and to help ensure our children have the opportunities they deserve to explore their full potential.

The board was originally comprised of ten members, representing each township within the school corporation. Today, the board includes community members, the Superintendent of Schools, and representatives from both the school board and Clinton Prairie faculty. 

Foundation Q & A

What is the Foundation?

The Clinton Prairie School Foundation is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status that offers philanthropic assistance to the Clinton Prairie School Corporation.

Who administers the Foundation?

The Foundation is operated by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of community members, the Superintendent of Schools, and representatives from both the school board and Clinton Prairie faculty. 

How are Foundation funds utilized?

Foundation funds do not replace tax dollars that come into our school district. Our funds are directed towards student scholarships and teacher grants that enable areas of educational enrichment where there are not enough tax dollars to meet the needs of our educators.


Mr. Jeremy Kinsler - President

Mr. Jerry Haan - Vice President

Mrs. Rita Neidlinger - Secretary

Mr. David Larsh – Treasurer

Mrs. Cindy Neal – School Board Representative

Mr. Scott Miller - CPSC Superintendent

Mrs. Elaine Schoonveld – Faculty Representative

Mr. David Clark - Member

Mr. Eric Myers - Member

Mrs. Leslie Robison – Member

Mrs. Jenny Stillwell – Member

