Kleine, A. K., Schaffernak, I., & Lermer, E. (2024). Exploring the predictors of AI chatbot usage intensity among students: Within- and between-person relationships using the technology acceptance model. Computers in human behavior, 3(100113).
Kleine, A. K., Kokje, E., Hummelsberger, P., Lermer, E., Schaffernak, I., & Gaube, S. (2024). AI-enabled clinical decision support tools for mental healthcare: A product review. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 160(103052).
Dingel J., Kleine, A. K., Cecil, J., Sigl, A. L., Lermer, E., & Gaube, S. (2024). Predictors of Health Care Practitioners‘ Intention to Use AI-Enabled Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Meta-Analysis Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. JMIR, 26, e57224.
Cecil., J., Kleine, A.K., Lermer, E., & Gaube, S. (2024). Mental health practitioners‘ perceptions and adoption intentions of AI-enabled technologies: an international mixed-methods study. ResearchSquare.
Cecil, J., Lermer, E., Hudecek, M. F., Sauer, J., & Gaube, S. (2024). Explainability does not mitigate the negative impact of incorrect AI advice in a personnel selection task. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 9736.
Kleine, A. K., Kokje, E., Hummelsberger, P., Lermer, E., & Gaube, S. (2023). AI-enabled Clinical Decision Support Tools for Mental Healthcare: A Product review. OSF.
Kleine, A. K., Lermer, E., Cecil, J., Heinrich, A., & Gaube, S. (2023). Advancing Mental Health Care with AI-Enabled Precision Psychiatry Tools: A Patent Review. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 12(100322).
Hummelsberger, P., Koch, T. K., Rauh, S., Dorn, J., Lermer, E., Raue, M., Hudecek, M. F. C., Schicho, A., Collak, E., Ghassemi, M., & Gaube, S. (2023). Insights on the Current State and Future Outlook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare From Expert Interviews. JMIR AI, 2(1), e47353.
Kleine, A. K., Kokje, E., Gaube, S., & Lermer, E. (2023). Attitudes towards the Adoption of 2 Artificial Intelligence-enabled Mental Health Tools Among Prospective Psychotherapists: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10(e46859).
Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue, M., Lermer, E., Koch, T. K., Hudecek, M. F. C., Ackery, A. D., Grover, S. C., Coughlin, J. F., Frey, D., Kitamura, F. C., Ghassemi, M., &
Colak, E. (2023). Non-task expert physicians benefit from correct explainable AI advice when reviewing X-rays. Scientific Reports, 13(1),
Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue, M., Merritt, A., Berkowitz, S. J., Lermer, E., Coughlin, J. F., Guttag, J. V., Colak, E., & Ghassemi, M. (2021). Do as AI say: susceptibility in deployment of clinical decision-aids. NPJ digital medicine, 4(1), 1-8.
Gaube, S., Cecil, J., Wagner, S., & Schicho, A. (2021). The relationship between health IT characteristics and organizational variables among German healthcare workers. Scientific Reports, 11, 17752.
Book Chapter
Frey, D., Vilser, M., Hehnen, M., Lermer, E., Gaube, S., & Julia Diller, S. (2024). Spitzenleistung und Innovation an Hochschulen: Umsetzung durch das Erfolgsdreieck der Führung und dessen Subkulturen. In Frey, D. & Vilser, M. (Eds.), Führung und Personalentwicklung an Hochschulen (1st ed., pp. 1-13).
Cecil, J., Kokje, E., Gaube, S., Lermer, E., & Kleine, A. K. (2024). Einflussfaktoren auf die Nutzung KI-gestützter Technologien in der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung. [Factors influencing the use of AI-supported technologies in mental health care]. In Klein, B. (Ed.), Künstliche Intelligenz im Healthcare-Sektor. [Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector] (1st ed., pp. 83-88).
Lermer, E., Gaube, S., Cecil, J., Kleine, A. K., Kokje, E., Frey, D., & Hudecek, M. F. C. (2024). Patient:innen und KI: Eine Frage der Perspektiv bei der Bewertung von KI bei medizinischen Online-Diensten. [Patients and AI: A question of perspective in the evaluation of AI in online medical services]. In Klein, B. (Ed.), Künstliche Intelligenz im Healthcare-Sektor. [Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector] (1st ed., pp. 74-77).
Talks & Presentations
Cecil, J., Kleine, A. K., Lermer, E., & Gaube, S. (2024). Exploring Attitudes and Adoption Intentions of AI-Enabled Technologies Among Mental Health Practitioners: Results from an International Questionnaire Study. Paper presented at the joint congress of the German and the Austrian Psychological Societies (DGPs/ÖGP), September 15-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Gaube, S., Biebl, I., Engelmann, M. K. M., Kleine, A. K., & Lermer, E. Comparing Preferences for Skin Cancer Screening: A Conjoint Experiment (2024). Paper presented at the joint congress of the German and the Austrian Psychological Societies (DGPs/ÖGP), September 15-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Kokje, E., Bondi-Kelly, E., Lermer, E., Schicho, A., Colak, E., Kitamura, F., & Gaube S. (2024). Human-AI Interaction in Diagnostic Decision-Making: An Eye Movement-Based Investigation. Paper presented at the joint congress of the German and the Austrian Psychological Societies (DGPs/ÖGP), September 15-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Kleine, A. K., Kokje, E., Lermer, E., Cecil, J., & Gaube, S. (2024). Exploring the landscape of AI-based clinical decision support systems in mental healthcare: An analysis of patents and commercial products. Paper presented at the joint congress of the German and the Austrian Psychological Societies (DGPs/ÖGP), Sep 15-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Kleine, A. K., Schaffernak, I., Huang, L., & Lermer, E. (2024). The relationship between performance, trust, and the intention to use generative AI in academia. Paper presented at the joint congress of the German and the Austrian Psychological Societies (DGPs/ÖGP), Sep 15-19, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Cecil, J., Lermer, E., Hudecek, M.F.C., Sauer, J., & Gaube, S. (2024). The effect of explainable AI-based advice on decision-making in a personnel selection task. Paper presented at the 66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), March 17-21, 2024, Regensburg, Germany
Kokje, E., Lermer, E., Donkin, C., & Gaube S. (2024). Factors influencing AI-supported decision-making in one-to-one face matching. Paper presented at the Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), March 17-20, 2024 , Regensburg, Germany
Kleine, A. K. (2023). AI-enabled Clinical Decision Support Tools: Potential, Progress, Challenges. July, 24, 2023. AMBOSS Crosstalk, Berlin, Germany
Kleine, A. K. (2023). The Future of AI in Healthcare: Benefits, Risks, Doctors’ Attitudes, and Students’ Blind-spots. July, 24, 2023. AMBOSS Podcast Beyond the Textbook.
Gaube, S. (2023). The Effect of Diagnostic AI-Generated Advice on Clinical Decision-Making. July, 20, 2023. Lecture at the Philosophy & Computer Science Summer School, Bayreuth, Germany,
Kleine, A. K. (2023). A Glimpse Into the Future – How AI-Enabled Precision Psychiatry Tools Advance Mental Healthcare. July, 20, 2023. Lecture at the Philosophy & Computer Science Summer School, Bayreuth, Germany,
Hummelsberger P., Koch T. K., Rauh S., Dorn J., Lermer E., Raue M., Hudecek M.F.C., Schicho A., Colak E., Ghassemi M., & Gaube S. (2023). Insights on the Current State and Future Outlook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Expert Interviews. Paper presented at the 7th Munich Medical Student Science Conference 2023, June 17, 2023, Munich, Germany
Cecil, J., Lermer, E., Hudecek, M. F. C., Sauer, J., & Gaube, S. (2023). The effect of (explainable) AI advice on decision-making in a HRM task. Paper presented at the 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, May 24-27, 2023, Katowice, Poland
Kokje, E., Kleine, A. K., Lermer, E., & Gaube, S. (2023). The influence of attitudes towards AI on acceptance of AI-tools in psychotherapy. Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), March 9-11, 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Kleine, A. K., Lermer, E., Cecil, J., Heinrich, A., & Gaube, S. (2023). Advancing mental health care with AI-enabled precision psychiatry tools: A patent review. Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), March 9-11, 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue M., Hudecek, M.F.C., Ghassemi, M., Colak, E., & Lermer, E. (2023). The influence of inaccurate and explainable advice on physicians’ diagnostic decisions. Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), March 9-11, 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Cecil, J., Lermer, E., Hudecek, M. F. C., Sauer, J., & Gaube, S. (2023). The effect of (explainable) AI advice on decision-making in a HRM task. Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), March 9-11, 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue M., Hudecek, M.F.C., Ghassemi, M., Colak, E., & Lermer, E. (2022). How accuracy and explainability of advice affect physicians. Paper presented at the Herrenhausen Conference of the VolkswagenStiftung, October 12-14, 2022, Hannover, Germany
Cecil, J., Hummelsberger, P., Rauh, S., Dorn, J., Hudecek, M.F.C., Lermer, E., Frey, D. & Gaube, S. (2022). Current state of AI in healthcare: Expert interviews with researchers and technical officers. Poster presented at the Herrenhausen Conference of the VolkswagenStiftung, October 12-14, 2022, Hannover, Germany
Hudecek, M. F. C., Gaube, S., Frey, D., Cecil, J., Hummelsberger, P., & Lermer, E. (2022). Perception of online medical platforms: AI docs are fine for others but not for me. Poster presented at the Herrenhausen Conference of the VolkswagenStiftung, October 12-14, 2022, Hannover, Germany
Hummelsberger, P., Hudecek, M.F.C., Lermer, E. & Gaube, S. (2022). Current state of AI in healthcare: Expert interviews with researchers and technical officers. Paper presented at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), September 12-15, 2022, Hildesheim, Germany
Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue M., Hudecek, M.F.C., Ghassemi, M., Colak, E., & Lermer, E. (2022). The influence of diagnostic advice on physicians‘ decision-making. Paper presented at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), September 12-15, 2022, Hildesheim, Germany
Hudecek, M. F. C., Gaube, S., Frey, D., Cecil, J., Hummelsberger, P., & Lermer, E. (2022). Perception of online medical platforms: AI docs are fine for others but not for me. Paper accepted for presentation at the 30 th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe, June 12-15, 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Lermer, E., Gaube, S., Frey, D., Cecil, J., Hummelsberger, P., & Hudecek, M.(2022). AI for you, human doctor for me: Re-analysis of the not in my health’s backyard effect. Paper accepted for presentation at the 30 th Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe, June 12-15, 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Lermer, E., Ghassemi, M., Hudecek, M.F.C., Dorn, J., Rauh, S., Koch, T., & Colak, E. (2022). The effect of diagnostic advice on clinical decision-making. Paper presented at the 63rd Meeting of the ‚Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen‘ TeaP, March 20-23, 2022, online
Gaube, S. (2022). Do as AI say: Susceptibility in deployment of clinical decision-aids.