
ClimateWatch provides real-world learning opportunities for university students, from data collection out in the field to data analysis and interpretation back in the classroom. By actually making science, not just reading about it, students are engaged and motivated to learn, and feel like they’re making a difference by contributing to Australia’s climate change response. Tertiary education institutions across the country have been integrating ClimateWatch into the curriculum, as demonstrated in the following case study. It’s easy to get involved, get out in nature and make a difference!

Seven Australian Universities now have a ClimateWatch trail located on-campus.

Case Study

First-year biology unit at the University of Western Australia (UWA):

  • As part of their course, first-year biology students at the UWA utilise ClimateWatch records on a chosen species to formulate a hypothesis as to why that species might show different phenopauses over time. They are also required to submit at least 20 recordings of their own, made easy through the dedicated ClimateWatch trail on campus.

  • Students learn the complete process of scientific research in a fun and engaging way, with research showing the majority planned to continue recording data for ClimateWatch after the project was finished. A large proportion (35 percent) also introduced the application to their friends, demonstrating the important role ClimateWatch has in environmental engagement.

You can read more about the success of using ClimateWatch for UWA's undergraduate courses here